Thursday, October 28, 2010

Being a Mom hurts

It's impossible to not feel the pain of a child who is suffering. That's nothing new, it's just never easy. When a very sweet and gorgeous daughter sits on the couch and cries on your shoulder because she will be sitting home the night of the Homecoming dance, one wonders where is the justice in the world. I know we've all had some experience that makes us know just where she is coming from, but of all the people she does not deserve this.
She is solely responsible for several of her friends getting asked to homecoming. She convinced many boys to ask someone so girls weren't sitting at home that night. So, in a weird twist of fate, lots of her friends are now going and she is not. Then to top it off, one of her very best friends (who just got asked a day or so ago by a boy Whitley convinced to ask her) made a comment at lunch about a party that's going on that same night. She said "only those too young or too lame to get asked will be there." Dagger right to Whitley's heart. My heart just breaks for her. As one boy put it when he found out she had not been asked "you are too good to not be asked!" I'm sure there is a lesson and some growth that will come from this, afterall, all things are for our good.....but it sure feels sucky right now.


Heather said...

That does totally stink. She need to be the next Taylor Swift and start writing songs about these people. Ü I love Whitley!

Tammy said...

That is sucky! It's always the nice ones that get the raw end of the deal. I am so sorry for both of you.

Leslie said...

Poor kid. Poor mom too. I'm so sad for her!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh. I feel the pain, for both of you! Something good is bound to happen soon for her. Dacia

Unknown said...

That is so sad. I'm so sad for Whitley.

Lulu said...

Fell through the cracks didn't she? That boy was right, she IS too good not to ask! She'll get the next one!