Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Productivity Rocks!

I have done so much in the last couple of days! It's not big things, but all sorts of little things that add up to some big relief. Costumes for Halloween are complete. That's big. Trunk or Treat shopping is done. Christmas party is planned and even somewhat carried out. Airline tickets are bought. Bunko is tomorrow along with things going on every night this weekend. Then Halloween will be over (not that I'm rushing it) but I can put up my fall decorations and that means I can seriously start thinking about Christmas. (cuz I haven't done that at all!) My triathlon is in one week and I haven't done what I should have to train for it, but I'm excited for it. The weather has turned against me heading back to the 90's which is not good for my afternoon running, but the mornings are still cool. My chickens are all laying which gives me 5 - 6 eggs a day. There have been lots of great deals lately so my pantry is very full. Feels great to get things done and have so much on the horizon.


Heather said...

ARe you doing coupon sense or doing coupons on your own?
Also need to talk to you about tips on your frozen breakfast burritos.

Tammy said...

I'd like to get in on the tips for frozen breakfast burritos. We're looking forward to the Trunk-or-treat. Can't wait to hear what you have in mind for the Christmas Party. I knew they called the right person to this calling!

Unknown said...

I love it when the productivity fairy comes for a visit. I'm so happy for you that you got a visit from her.

Leslie said...

That's a ton of stuff checked off the list. Nice going!