Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cooler Weather = Baking

Why, just because the weather is a little cooler, do I think I need to cook or bake something. I have had more cookies around here than I care to admit. It just seems like you should have something in the oven if it's cool outside. This is NOT good on my waistline, or rear end or thighs or any other part of me that collects fat cells. Luckily it's cool enough to run more.

In my recent revisit to couponing, I bought eight packages of Simply Cookie Dough. MMMMMMmmmmm!! That's all I have to say. I don't know why it's different, but it just is. I thought that those would last me through my holiday baking, but I'm thinking not. I also want to cook something in the crock pot. Doesn't matter what, but it seems appropriate. How about hot chocolate and cider, yep... those too. What's most ridiculous is that our lowest temp yet has been about 72 degrees. Imagine how fat I would be if I lived somewhere it was actually cold!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Maybe you won't be relocating to Alaska after all. :p

P.S. We had HOT soup & biscuits for the same reason yesterday...if my A/C isn't running all day, I'm using my oven!