Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 1 Fall break

Yesterday was the first day of fall break that all my kids were home. Dalin thought it not that great that we aren't good at having scripture when they aren't in school so we should still have it this week. We all agreed and have done well both days! Yeah for childhood influence. Since it was early on their first day of break and we made them get up, I fixed rubber pancakes and that made it all better.

I gave them the option of having a serious cleaning day either Monday or Friday. I bet you can't guess which they chose. So Monday I took Rhett and Dalin to the store with me to get Rhett shoes and Dalin tubes for his bike. Turns out he has all sorts of things wrong with his bike so he decided to buy a new one. Now...he has no money. So....we agreed that would come out of his Christmas allowance. I'm totally holding him to that. It just stinks that here in lovely old AZ, there are only about 5 months to enjoy the outdoors and 3 of those months are before Christmas. We first looked at GoodWill, no bike but oh the treasures! I could spend a lot of time in there. I found the first W&G book for $1.99, a cute basket for shoes, a foodsaver for $15 and some church shoes for Nick. I'm just like the commercial! I only bought the foodsaver so I could get the jar attachment, very excited about that. Once I returned with them, Brooklyn decided that's what she wanted to spend her birthday money on, so we went back and got her a bike as well. Poor Rhett is still bikeless. I don't know why it doesn't seem like I should do the same for him, but I just don't. Maybe because it was partially his fault that all the $150 bikes the big boys got were destroyed within weeks of them getting them. Anyway, still thinking on that one.

Made a yummy ham and potato dinner last night, my kids actually liked it! Then we had the sister missionaries over to teach us for FHE. The kids were very well behaved and we definitely felt the spirit. It's nice to have someone else come and teach once in a while. After they left, Glade and I took our left overs to a friend who is struggling with chemo right now. I hate not being able to really do anything very helpful. Once home, we snuggled up to watch the last of the Work and the Glory movies. What a great day!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Sounds like a great start to Fall break!