Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nick turns 15

Nick turned 15 on December 23rd. We have a tradition of 'birthday spankins' around here that usually stop as the kids get bigger, but Glade had to let Nick know he wasn't too big! He took his lickins like a man. Since it's a crazy time of year, we let him pick some other time of year to have a party. I don't like for it to go uncelebrated, so we just do something small with the family. This happened to be the day we went to the Forgotten Carols, so we did a breakfast party. We had rubber pancakes and stuck his candles into those. I had already had in mind what he was getting and I was really excited to get him something that would be a great surprise and I knew he would love as well. Not too much before his birthday, he came down with a picture cut out of a paper, handed it to me and told me that's what he wanted. Nice. It was exactly what I had already gotten. Little Stink. Anyway, he got what he wanted. Happy Birthday to Nick!!

I guess the pictures doesn't show it to well. It's the bar that hangs in the door frame to do pullups on.


Tomena said...

Happy Birthday Nick!!! Ammon's b-day is on the 13th... I thought that was bad.

Camille said...

How funny, must be the age, but Santa brought Chase the same thing for Christmas. :)