Fun morning so far. Today was the day they gave Stephen his medal for winning the Geography Bee. Glade and I and the babies all went to cheer him on and, of course, to take pictures. My camera was being weird, so they are a little blurry. Anyway, he got his medal and after, was showing his friends. Bo saw him come down and ran over to hug him. Katy wasn't far behind. It was cute. Now we get to take another day here in the next few months to go watch him compete in the state Bee.
Since we were already there, we decided to stay for the elementary flag ceremony. Last week they called Rhett and another boy up because they had done so well in the race. I was expecting that again, but they didn't do it. They did, however, give him a certificate for winning his class Geography Bee so we got to get pictures of that. Here we go with the hugging again. When my younger kids saw Bo and Katy, they came running to give hugs all around. I so love that my kids are huggers and that they don't even care where they are. These pictures of Brooklyn turned out really cute. The two girls she is with are her two very best friends at school.
After the ceremonies, I took Bo to preschool and headed into town to see my SIL's new baby. Oh how I love the smell of new babies!! He is adorable as would be expected. I have to say it felt good to hold a baby and not be sad about not having any more. I think I'm finally over the "bump". Came home to get Bo and spent some time talking to a couple of friends. Still mulling over something they suggested, may share one day soon.
Lastly, I ate one of these:
I have not had a fast food cheeseburger in a good year. Right now I only crave Oreos and brownies. Nothing else sounds good. I decided that maybe if I ate a big greesy cheeseburger, it would hit the spot. It hit the spot alright! The "eww, I can't believe I just ate that" spot. Didn't even have much flavor. You would think for 910 calories and 61 grams of fat, it would be full of flavor. Nope, just full of "bleh" in my tummy. At least now I won't be tempted to do that again. I would have to run an entire 10k to burn that off. Took me about 6 minutes to eat it. Stupidity, sheer stupidity.
Ok one more funny. This is probably not very nice, but funny anyway. I was reading on FB where a girl was posting her feelings about Tiger Woods and how we should pray for him instead of say bad things about him. She also said it was wrong to put anyone on a PEDAL STOOL. I couldn't quit laughing about that. Sorry.

Ok one more funny. This is probably not very nice, but funny anyway. I was reading on FB where a girl was posting her feelings about Tiger Woods and how we should pray for him instead of say bad things about him. She also said it was wrong to put anyone on a PEDAL STOOL. I couldn't quit laughing about that. Sorry.
Great family picture Laurie!!
I totally agree with you on the burger thing. They are discusting!! I would much rather use calories for chocolate.
I don't care if it was mean. That was funny. :D
and I should look at what I type before I sent it.
Disgusting. LOL
You should've had the burger I ate. Yum. (It was Joe's Farm Grill, not really fast food.) Worth a 10K for sure.
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