Sunday, December 6, 2009


In my quest to find simple happiness, I have decided to only wear colors that make me feel good. Colors can be tricky. Some colors are really appealing and seem pretty and exciting, but then when you actually put them on, you don't always feel that great. Other colors that may seem more muted or don't necessarily scream at you, make you feel great once you put them on. In my determination to go with the more lively and "calling" colors, I have had to endure not feeling that great in the process. I think I have finally figured out that not everyone can wear all colors. Not all colors are good for us. What might be great on one makes the other unhappy. I'm going to stop fighting and just go with what makes me feel good. Life is too short to chase after the wrong colors. I hate to use the word wrong, so maybe I could say "colors that don't make you shine". I'm glad I decided to try a few different ones, you just never know....

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