Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holy Spaghetti Arms

Yesterday while at Costco, I picked up a few of the BL workout DVDs. I have wanted some for some time, but never want to pay for them. Costco has them for $6. This morning I decided to give one a try. I hate Jillian. I was dying on the very first exercise AND it was the beginner one! First jumping jacks, which I hate and often make me need to change my underwear, not good for women who have had babies. Then straight to push ups. I can't do push ups. Luckily she let you do cheater ones, but they still killed. Not too far into it, Glade came and joined me. I thought I wouldn't enjoy that because I'm kind of a loner exerciser, but I liked it. He was huffing and puffing just as much as I was. I even used 5lb weights and normally I use 8 or 10. I know I'm going to be sore all over tomorrow. Washing my hair in the shower was torture. My arms are just noodles. I know I haven't been diligent in awhile, but holy cow. Between my new videos and my training for the Ragnar, I'm hoping to find a new desire to keep moving. I think I'm burned out on the running so maybe this will be good. I even got the yoga one...hehe...yoga always makes me giggle. Can't wait to see the Finale tonight. They always drag it out a little too much for my taste, but still love it.


Leslie said...

I am SO excited for the long drawn out finale. Then some rest until next season. :)

I'm glad you mentioned the DVDs. I've gotta get me those!

Tammy said...

You'll have to let me know what you think of the other DVD's you got. That one sounds like a good one. Although if it was that tough for you, it may just kill me off! I've been looking at those for a while also. I may just have to make a trip to Costco. I too can't wait to watch the finale tonight. Although I'll have to watch it after I get home from the Kindergarten Christmas concert.

Kathy said...

That sounds like a good workout. What did Glade think about it? We will Tivo the BL finale so we can watch it in about 20 minutes. :)