Monday, December 21, 2009

First Day of Break

Well, actually, I'll start with last night. After a relaxing Sunday, we loaded everyone up to go pack up donuts to deliver to our friends in the ward. Didn't start well because the van was leaking all over the garage floor. Glade added water and we headed out. It was a little late to start, but we rushed and packed them all up (about 40 boxes) and headed back home. We didn't even get started delivering until 8:40, not good. The van was overheating as well, another not good. We tried to hit all the areas where there were multiple homes so we could get as much done as possible in a short amount of time. The kids were mostly cooperative, except Katy, she just wanted to go to sleep. It went well and we delivered our last box at 10 pm and decided it was too late to go anywhere else. Even the last ones we did, I texted first to make sure they were awake. So, we didn't hit everyone we wanted to, we still had 10 boxes left in the back so we may try again another night to get the rest, we'll see.

This morning I found myself still in bed after 8 am. NICE! Some of the kids were up, but stayed upstairs playing with a magic kit Dalin got at our family Christmas. I got right into my running clothes so I could get on the treadmill, which I did not do until after 11 am. I did it though and made it completely through my schedule. Yeah me! Spent most of the morning trying to find Chelsey a new cell phone. Her's was stolen this week at school, so she got a new one on Friday. On Sunday, she dropped it in the toilet. Now it doesn't work right. Brand spankin new and she ruined it. That girl.

Glade took the van to work so he could fix the water pump. The kids played outside almost the entire day, it was very quiet in here. After naps, I headed out to get my nails done and get stuff to do gingerbread houses in the morning. Since the kids had been home all day, and I didn't have time to make dinner at this point, I told them to get dressed, they were coming to Costco with me. We only had Glade's truck so the 8 of us (two big girls elsewhere) loaded into the truck and headed out. We were scrunched, but all buckled. It was mostly a pleasant trip and I didn't feel like my blood pressure was skyrocketing or anything. We sat and ate pizza and churros and then headed home. We were singing on the way home and decided to stop by where Whitley was babysitting and carol to her. That was fun and I think she liked it too. Once we unloaded groceries, we started the fireplace and settled down to watch Arthur's Perfect Christmas. I love that movie! It turned out to be a great Family Away Evening!

1 comment:

Jake and Jenny said...

That was the best late night treat! Thank you!