Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 6 - I'm done

Today started as most of the rest, I woke up feeling like I wanted to puke. No breakfast food that is allowed is appealing to me at all. I like my oatmeal or cheerios. And I really like my milk! I ate just a banana and then saw the potatoes sitting on the counter. Hash browns!! Didn't work out that well. Let me just say that a lot of foods need butter. After breakfast I headed out to get stuff for scones tomorrow. I was lucky that Bashas has hamburger on sale. Saved me a lot of $. I got home just in time to get the kids in the car and head to the movies. We skipped our regular summer movie in lieu of seeing G-Force today. We got there a little late, but on occasion you have to be grateful for previews. I was very proud of myself for sitting through the whole movie without so much as a kernel of popcorn or soda. Not really even tempted. The movie was OK, but not as fun as I would have expected. Lots of exploding and crashing. Basically a guy movie gone kid. Kids seemed to enjoy it, but I was expecting more humor. We got home just in time to have lunch and naps.

When we got up, I left to take Brooklyn to a friends and the big girls wanted to go to the pool. I love that Chelsey can drive. She took everyone there and I picked them up later. Nice. While they were swimming, I went to get the rest of the stuff for tomorrow. I had a few extra minutes so I wandered into Old Navy. Let's just say I had to go back later and did really well. $3 shirts and $7 jeans. By this time in the day, I was really getting grouchy and the heat and I do not get along well. I have tried and tried drinking water, but when it's that hot, it just doesn't do it. I fought it and fought it, but I finally decided I was done. I went to Taco Bell. Now, I barely cheated on the food part because I got a bean burrito and on the diet menu, it allowed one wheat taco shell. I never ate that and I'm allowed beans. (I'm sure taco bell was not what they had in mind) Anyway, I wasn't that far off track, but I had to have a diet Pepsi. I got a small one, but man did that hit the spot!! I was afraid of how I would feel after, but nothing. I have felt sick the majority of the time, I don't know if that is normal or good or what, but it's how it was. I basically made it through six days. I haven't cheated in any other way today, like "I already cheated, so who cares" kind of cheating. I came home had my normal smoothie and pills and that was it for the day. Tomorrow was my last day and it is ending with a big scone party so I wasn't going to last the whole day anyway! I will still take the pills tomorrow, but I'm thinking a big bowl of cheerios is going to be really delicious!!


Tammy said...

It always amazes me how much you get done in a day! Congratulations on making it through!

Tomena said...

Haha congrats! Love your new blog decor! your pic is adroable.