Day four was a trip to the lake. I hmmmed and hawwed over this one. I really hate water that I can't see the bottom of. Not for reasons of the unknown or fear of what's under there, but it's completely sanitary reasons. Funny from a girl who grew up on the muddy Mississippi. Anyway, I also don't like my little ones on boats. At the last minute, I decided I would go and take Bo, but leave Katy at home. Once again, mom swoops down and saves the day. Katy was really unhappy about being left behind, so I bought her this little pool to play in while we were gone. Once Bo saw that, he didn't want to go to the lake anymore. It was tempting to let him stay, but I knew he would love the lake. After much persuasion, he came with us. Mom was great enough to remember to take pictures of Katy playing while we were gone.

We didn't get to the lake until almost noon. The kids ran off while I unloaded the van and not a one of them put sun screen on. Luckily I got to Bo in time, but the rest were like little (and big) lobsters by the end of the day. Now they are all really funny looking with big pink splotchy patches from peeling all over their faces. Someday maybe they will learn! Glade's cousin Alan, came and brought his boat for us to use. We also rented four wave runners. Glade brought his grill and we cooked out for lunch. Alan had a big "banana" to pull behind his boat. The kids had a blast! We adults had equal amounts of fun on the wave runners.
At the end of the day, we left the kids on the shore and those of us who had ever ski-ed (and Chelsey) all went out to give it a try. None of us had ski-ed in years! I was the lucky one to go first. I guess if the old fat lady could do it, then there were no excuses for the young skinny ones! I'm proud to say that I got up on my very first try. It was uncomfortable and a little awkward, but I pulled it together. I decided to try going over the wakes. I made it to one side and then tried to do both coming back. That was my demise. After that fall I decided I had had enough. I proved that I could still do it and that was enough for me. Amy, Sherry and Tyler all went next and they too felt the effects of aging. Sherry is pregnant and she still did great. We let Chelsey give it a try and she really struggled. She just couldn't get up. If she did get up, she would either do the splits and fall or pull the handle to her chest and then fall. She was in tears, but kept trying till she finally stayed up for a few seconds and then wiped out pretty big. She did great for her first time.

Chelsey going down. It was hard taking pictures because the boat would bounce and I wouldn't know what ended up in the frame.

Yeah! She's up!

That's me!

this is our camp on the beach. The little ones played for hours in the water.

Rhett found a little piece of land out in the lake.

Whitley getting in line for some lunch.

Bo came in for some lunch, but not because he wanted to!

Chelsey and Angel on the wave runner


Bo absolutely loved the Banana. He wasn't big enough to hold on by himself so someone always had to be with him. The first time he got thrown off, his face was sheer terror. Once he realized he would be ok, he rode for a really long time.

OK, this looks like I'm totally bending it in half, but it did that no matter who sat there!!

My lats were soooo sore from pulling myself up on this thing so many stinkin times! I'm sure it was not a pretty sight, maybe amusing.

At one point Bo said he need to go potty so I told him to jump back in and go. He looked at me like I was crazy and said "noooooo!" I explained that it was Ok in the lake. He said "should I pull my trunks down?" I told him to just go, but he thought that would be yucky so he would just hold it. A minute later, he clarified that he should "just jump in and go?" He was funny.

The big kids were bored while Bo was on because they were being careful with him. Later, we took him off and gave them a good ride.
We left around 6, stopped at Taco Bell, picked up Katy and came home. Four days in a row of no cooking and home, straight to bed. Love it!!
1 comment:
Looks like a blast! I love the lake. We used to take our kids to the lake every summer. Haven't done that for a few years. Of course they have all grown up and have family's of their own.
Miss those day. I love the water. And the jet ski's.
Fun stuff.
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