Saturday, July 25, 2009

Post Staycation

I've almost fully recovered from all the excitement. I feel like I have been doing laundry non-stop for a week. It's been typical summer around here: boredom, arguing, sweating, the occasional outing and more boredom. My big girls start school on Monday and they are very ready to do so. The other kids are just as ready, but still have two more weeks. Brooklyn has summer school so when we drove by the school, we all said "Hi Brooklyn!", then one kid said "lucky!". Most all the school shopping is done and now we are just waiting. This is the time I usually start to go a little stir crazy. Just ready for a schedule again and a little normalcy around here. I was going to home school Nick, but the principal offered me another alternative. He is going half days, just taking Eng, Lit, Math and PE. He will come home at lunch time and spend the quiet afternoon doing homework and fitting in a little science and history. (technically they are not required) I'm really hoping he will buckle down and try hard but we may end up back at home schooling if this doesn't work.

Today I started a 7 day cleanse. I have been at such a "blah" with working out and eating right. Same thing happened last year at this exact time. Just crouchy and tired of the heat and don't want to do anything. I was talked in to a cleanse that they said would make me feel great and then the weight would start coming off again. I want to still lose another 25 lbs. The fun thing about the cleanse is that I can only eat minimal types of food. Chicken, fish, lean beef, rice, beans, and fruits and vegetables. No dairy, grains, sugar, butter, or anything like unto them! I spent the morning at Sprouts and Fresh N Easy looking for soy products and gluten free rice bread. I tasted little bits of some of it and yuck! I guess chicken and broccoli for me this week. I'm determined to stick to it! My biggest weakness is my weakness. I'm going to follow this through and see what happens in 7 days. If you have any great recipes that only include my few meager ingredients....PLEASE!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No grains - but rice is ok? I always considered that to be a grain. I personally believe that soy is not fit for human consumption and would recommend eating meats and veggies for the week. Try some new veggies you've never had before. Or try eating meat cold with fruit.