We got to Florida late... sheesh, I don't know what day. Anyway, the truck was still acting up so we decided to try to get it fixed while there. It was going to take a day or so, so we had to find other things to do while we were there. We had always intended on going to the beach, but now we were throwing in Busch Gardens and a neighboring waterpark, Adventure Island. We discussed Disney World, but we could do both of the other parks for less than the one. Every morning seemed to get started rather late. With getting in so late and then trying to deal with the truck and getting the "Thing"s (type of car we were there to pick up), time just pittered away. We got everyone around to sit and wait. The beach was very windy and cloudy, which was actually kind of nice. Since the water was so warm, it was nice to not have the sun beating down on you. With all the trouble with the truck, we ended up being in Florida for 4 nights.
I was lucky enough to not go on the log ride. Katy had just fallen asleep for the first time and the line was really long. Glade took the other kids while I sat in the shade and let Katy get a nap.
They had a little spot for hoola hooping with a DJ playing fun music. Can I just say, Dalin rocks!! That kid can hoola hoop and looks awesome doing it. Serious booty action. I wish I would have video'd it on my phone, but I didn't think about it. Bo and Katy of course, were too little, but they tried hard. Glade has some serious moves too. I was very impressed!
The roller coasters were the main attraction obviously. Poor Dalin was less than an inch too short to ride all the good ones. We had a little bit of tears about that, but he got over it. There was one called the Montu pictured below. This was my favorite. It was also the last one we rode on before the park closed. Instead of being in a car, your seat hangs. It's a much less intense feeling going down the hills, but totally fun! I would have ridden it 20 times.

This one is called the Sheikra. It goes straight down. I wouldn't even go near it. Glade made Whitley go on it with him and she cried the whole way. Sobbing type of crying. Even 10 minutes after she got off, she was still crying. Brooklyn and the other kids loved it. After I found the Montu, I insisted she try it. She dripped tears the whole way walking up, but loved it once she got on.

are you sure you went? I didn't see one picture of you.
What fun pictures. I'm glad you guys had such a fun time!
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