Today was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick Fil A. If you dressed like a cow, you got a free combo meal. So we did!! Chelsey didn't dress up, she's too cool and Katy wouldn't let us touch her with the spots, but everyone else did. Grandma didn't out of ignorance. She didn't realize what the reward was and we didn't realize she was actually coming to make her some spots. Sorry mom. My pictures are backwards again, woops. This is everyone eating. Duh.

Bo would not leave the cow alone. He kept dancing with him and giving him knuckles. Finally the cow was able to ditch him by going in the back room. Bo wandered around yelling "Cow?" We decided he might be considered a 'cow stalker' at this point.

Katy absolutely flipped about the cow, and not in a good way! Screaming...
yah that about sums it up. She was fine if she was in the booth or in the play place.

Smith family and the cow

This was at Grandma's house before we left. The girls chose colorful cows.

Whitley making her sign

Rhett grouchily cutting his spots out. The boys did it a little
begrudgingly. Brats.

My two non-cows

Brooklyn was sweet to make extra cow stuff for those of us who were busy sewing.
Dalin did a great job with his costume. He wasn't a stinker at all. Of course, I made it optional for all children, but I did let them know that I wouldn't be
buying any lunches, so if they wanted to eat, put on the spots!!
That is so cool. You are such an awesome mom!
You should be the ChikFilA poster family. :)
Your staycation sounds fun. I'm glad you enjoyed the Science Center and the lightrail.
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