Sunday, July 26, 2009

I think I'm gonna live

So I'm a day and a half into my cleanse and it's not so bad...yet. I have tried to be creative with my meals and have succumbed to lots of soy products. Last night was steak and sweet potato with broccoli and carrots. Normal, I have that on occasion by choice. This morning I ate puffed rice cereal (not Rice Krispies) mixed with a banana and soy milk. The first few bites were a little different, but not bad after that. I won't lie, I did add just a smidgen of Splenda, just a tiny bit. For lunch, I made nachos of sorts. I used rice crackers (nasty), but heaped them with beans and soy cheese, salsa and tomatoes. Tonight may bring more chicken and broccoli, we'll see. I would love to have a salad but what's a salad with no dressing? The only thing I'm allowed to use is Balsamic Vinegerette. If I remember correctly, that tastes like dog crap or weeds or something disgusting like that. Speaking of weeds....this fiber drink I have to take tastes like grass and it's all I can do to swallow it. It's been the only true torturous thing thus far. I did find that if I take a swig and immediately eat a grape, it's OK. I haven't had anything too tempting this far, but it's early. I did feel like a chocolate last night and today I really wanted a diet Pepsi, but not too bad. Burping up the rice crackers is unpleasant. I recently read a comment of a friend who was taking wheat grass shots and she commented that she continued to "enjoy" it all through the day. (burping) Then she wondered why ice cream doesn't work that way...too true.

It has given me great appreciation for friends like Katie, Becky and Shelli who have had to buy and consume these things for health reasons. It's not fun, or cheap or yummy. To help ensure success at this endeavor, I have decided to not cook for my family this week. A girl can only be so strong. Some are rather excited at the options this gives them for a whole week, while others thinks it totally stinks. Sometimes life stinks. Speaking of stinks, I have been pleasantly surprised that I haven't been in the bathroom a crazy amount of time. I figured that would be a side effect, but doesn't appear to be. However, I was up 3 times in the night peeing and I think that is not normal. If they put diuretics in the PM packet, well....that's just plain cruel!


Leslie said...

I love how honest you are. I might try this after I get back from Girls' Camp this week.

Unknown said...

Balsamic vinegar is not too bad on a salad if you don't put too much on and sprinkle herbs on too (chives, marjoram, basil, etc). A little goes a long way. If you can eat puffed rice cereal - nasty - I'm surprised balsamic vinegar is so terrible to you.