Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I did what??

Yesterday morning, Glade misplaced my keys. We have searched high and low, nothing. The key to our car is $200 to replace and I also have a key to the church on it. I was driving to pick my kids up from school and I was thinking hard about where else they could be and the fact that I needed the church key in 30 min for scouts. Who else could I call? I reached the stoplight before my kids school and noticed flashing lights behind me. Huh? I was very confused, why was there a cop behind me, I hadn't done anything. Then it occurred to me that maybe I was in his way of getting through. Right then, the light changed so I went through. He turned his sirens on at this point, so I quickly turned into the gas station on the corner. He followed me. What the heck? It was weird, I wasn't even nervous, just very curious as to what he wanted.

While waiting for him, I gathered all the necessary documents and sat patiently. He slowly approached the passenger side with his hand on his holster. I thought it was rather weird that he would be so cautious with a woman in a 15 passenger that has a license plate reading KYDLIMO. When he finally got to me and asked me for the documents, I asked him why he pulled me over? Now he looked confused. He asked if I knew what the speed limit was right there. I told him I would guess 45. Then he asked if I knew how fast I was going. I had no idea. I must have been totally engrossed in my key dilemma because I couldn't come up with a time I even noticed. He said he radared me at 66. No way! That was my response. I said that wasn't possible. I know I drive fast sometimes, but not like that. I was stunned. Then he proceeded to ask me if I intentionally ran that red light.

Now I was wondering what kind of conspiracy was going on. He was sitting right behind me at the light, he knew I didn't run it. Again, with my shocked reaction, I denied running that light. It turns out that at the moment I noticed him behind me and my brain started racing, the light did change, only it was a green arrow, not a green light. The car next to me went, so I did too. I'm guessing he turned his siren on because he thought I was bolting or something seems how I just went through a red light. At this point my brain is complete mush and I can't comprehend how any of this happened. He looked at me concerned and asked if I was alright. Alright?? I was 5 minutes ago!! He took my stuff and went back to the car. He was gone for almost 10 minutes. That's a really long time! I was starting to wonder if he was discovering the red light ticket I got in December and maybe now I was really in for it.

He finally returned, assuring me that he checked his radar gun and it was working properly. He then proceeded to tell me that since it was over 20 mph over the speed limit, it was technically a criminal offense and he could take me to jail. BUT, he wasn't going to do that today. Good thing, I didn't even put shoes on before I left. He also told me he wasn't going to give me one for the red light thing since I was obviously not of sound mind at the time. I guess I should be grateful for that. He handed me my ticket and told me to be careful of the school zones up ahead. (there aren't any) I went on my way.

Now I have to attend traffic school. I already am required to do that for the red light thing. Suppose they'll let me kill two birds? I'm guessing not and I will now have paid a small fortune to the city. Of all the wasted money.....


Leslie said...

RATS! I got my speeding ticket when I wasn't even aware I was speeding. I was annoyed! If I'm going to get a speeding ticket, I at least want to know I was speeding on purpose!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have taken jail? just kidding. Have fun at traffic school!

Jake and Jenny said...

Bummer! I dont wear shoes often either when I am picking up kids.

Diana said...

Oh Laurie! I hate those coppers! Don't they have anything better to do with their time. LOL
Well, that is good that he didn't take you to jail without shoes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't where shoes in the car:)Hope you're having a better day today!