Thursday, March 11, 2010


Last night I sat out in the wind (very cold wind) and watched while Stephen and Nick played ball. I had 2 shirts and a jacket with my hood up and I just couldn't quit shivering. I guess if the wind stopped, so did I. I'm pretty much not happy with any weather, if it had been hot, I'd have whined about that too. Glade says I have about a 3 degree comfort zone. I might have to agree. They didn't win and both got hit by pitched balls. Stephen didn't take it that well. He had a rough inning before catching and just needed a minute I guess. At the end of the game, he declares "it was my fault we lost!". That is so irritating to me! Yes, he made a bad choice during a play and some runs scored. BUT, what about the other kids involved in that play? What about all the people who struck out. What about the pitcher who walked 3 kids in a row. It takes a whole team to lose. Knock it off! I didn't let him have a chance to wallow. I was very happy when it was over and I could get into my car, warm up and then turn on the A/C.

Observation of the day. I am aware that I'm too critical and I try to keep that in check, but...doesn't everyone have a few things that just baffle and confuse and in this case, gross you out? I sat between two women at the game. Both were wearing brand name clothes, gaudy sunglasses and had very "colored" hair. Big rings, painted toes, you know what I mean. Very classy and well put together looking. Then it was all ruined. Both sucked, chomped and spit sunflower seeds through the whole game. EWWWWW! I think it's nasty for anyone to do it, don't get me wrong. The chewing, the spitting, the pieces left behind on their teeth, the nasty pile on the's just gross ....and very unlady like.

My diet is still going well. Last night I attended a friend's Bunko and endured large pieces of German Chocolate Cake, Rice Krispie treats and a bowl of Peanut M&M's right in front of me. Didn't cheat once. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I went with the assumption it would be like that so I had prepared myself. Down a total of 6 lbs now. The only place I can see a difference is in my ring finger. Can't hardly keep my ring on. Guess that means a new one! Looks like we are going to Vegas in a couple of weeks so I may end the diet 3 days early, depending on how it's going. I do want to thank those of you that have been so supportive and encouraging, it means a lot. Onward and downward!


Anonymous said...

chewing and spitting sunflower seeds - YUCK. It's like listening to people snap their gum. I can't stand it, either. Good job on the self-control around candy and sugary stuff. Keep on trucking! Dacia

Tomena said...

Good Job at bunko... The honest truth is I just don't buy it.. or usually make it... BUT if it's in front of my it's all over.