Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Little Things

Sunday was a really fun day. Church was good, naps were good and dinner wasn't that great..lol. My roast was too dry. But, Glade and I and the kids hung out and played cards after dinner. We had lots of laughs and really enjoyed that time. Normally we have the whole family over but not on the second Sunday, so it's a nice time for us to just be together. In the afternoon, some of my kids had gone outside and were playing together. Bo decided to get on his bike but his training wheels were still on. The funny part about that was that they were so bent up sideways, they didn't help him at all. He would tip slowly from one side to the other trying to get a groove going. In watching him, I noticed once he did get going, he wasn't using them at all. I had Stephen take them off to see if he could do it. He took right off, no problem!

I'm ashamed to admit I almost didn't take any pictures. But, I reminded myself it was all the little things, the milestones that make up big things. The youngest kids usually have the worst set of pictures. I swore I would not do that to them, so I went and got out the camera. It was a little anti climactic since there was no wobbling, or wondering if he would make it. Just up and gone. He loves it and has spent a lot of time on it since. Way to go Bo!
We started off with a hike on Monday trying to find a certain spot in the mountains. We didn't find it, but had a good hike anyway. Katy got tired and wanted to be carried, but mostly she did great. We decided we would try again on Wednesday down another trail. Glade invited the three oldest boys to go to work with him to do some yard work and earn a little money. With them gone and Chelsey and Whitley in and out, it was a really quiet day. We didn't get any cleaning done, but that was Ok since everyone was nice all day. The boys didn't get home till very late and the girls had some friends over to watch a movie. That left me to get into jammies and read for awhile. No complaints there!
Lots of cleaning! You wouldn't know it by coming into my house, but we did a lot today. Little things that you walk by and think " I should clear that out" or something like that. I was a little grouchy by afternoon and decided to go get my nails done. The library also had my book in that I was waiting for so I went to get that. We had scouts this afternoon and with so few boys there due to spring break, we had a fun game of kickball.
The Diet
I'm a little frustrated at this point. I have lost 10 lbs, but the last few days have been really slow. GIRL STUFF AHEAD: Since I took my last white pill in the pack, I have lost little to no weight and I started my period 3 days early. I'm assuming that can only be due to the drops. That NEVER happens. I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to have it for 3 extra days, but what I've read says it probably does. I'm a big baby about all that so it really doesn't make me happy. Not to mention I have just felt like crap. I don't know if it's just the timing or side effect, but my back has ached since I started the drops. I have no idea how that could be relevant, but the timing is weird. Hopefully I don't waste a whole week not losing because of my period, that will really upset me. Sticking to the diet has been surprisingly easy. We are half way there and I still feel fine. (not too groveling over sugary sweets) I'll just have to wait this out and see what happens.


gena said...

Love it when the kids can ride a bike with no training wheels. I am the worst at taking pictures- you got some great ones!

Leslie said...

The first one is my favorite, with the background all blurry...he's looking so fast!