Friday, March 5, 2010

the Smell of Heat

One of my very favorite things to do is lay down for naps with my two little ones. I know what you're thinking, I like my naps. Well, you'de be right, but that's not really what I'm talking about. Everyday, we lay in my bed with Bo on one arm and Katy on the other and this is how we fall asleep. I love it. Lately, however, it's not been that pleasant. I'm sure I've made my view on the sun well known, not my favorite thing. This is just one more reason the heat gets on my nerves. Since it's been in the mid 70's the past little while, the kids are outside a lot. Then when they come in for naps and snuggle up, their heads stink like "heat". It's rather gross. And, because they are on both sides of me, I have nowhere to turn to escape it. Yuck. I guess bath time might need to start being in the middle of the day. Blech!

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Ooooh I can so sympathize. I could actually smell it when you described it. Blech is right!