Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Final Birthday

I'm 39. The eternal birthday. Actually I'm ok with my age. I have to admit 40 doesn't really sound that great, but it's all relative, right? I feel better at 39 than I probably have most of my adult life. That has to say something! Woke this morning to lots of hugs and happy wishes from my kids and then headed off to breakfast with Glade. The big girls stayed home from school to watch the babies. They also made brownies which I spent most of the day nibbling on. Not so good. Facebook is great for reminding people that it's your birthday so my email was flooded with nice sentiments. My cell was also busy with nice texts and a few calls. I love my birthday. It's not the big fanfare or balloons or gifts, it's just people thinking of you and taking the time to let you know. That's what makes a birthday great. Glade bought me several cards, one of which sings the song "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and wishes me luck in achieving my dreams. That's a long standing joke and was quite enjoyable to receive. He's the best! I can't say I was looking forward to my birthday this year, just too busy to make it fun, but it's turned out pretty good. Thanks to all those who helped make it that way. I truly love you all.


Tammy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad you had a good day.

Jake and Jenny said...

Happy Happy Birthday Laurie dear! I am so glad it was great!

Tomena said...

Happy Bday Laurie! I'm sorry I didn't get to say it that day. Hopefully this will just prolong the joy ;)