Today started as most of the rest, I woke up feeling like I wanted to puke. No breakfast food that is allowed is appealing to me at all. I like my oatmeal or cheerios. And I really like my milk! I ate just a banana and then saw the potatoes sitting on the counter. Hash browns!! Didn't work out that well. Let me just say that a lot of foods need butter. After breakfast I headed out to get stuff for scones tomorrow. I was lucky that Bashas has hamburger on sale. Saved me a lot of $. I got home just in time to get the kids in the car and head to the movies. We skipped our regular summer movie in lieu of seeing G-Force today. We got there a little late, but on occasion you have to be grateful for previews. I was very proud of myself for sitting through the whole movie without so much as a kernel of popcorn or soda. Not really even tempted. The movie was OK, but not as fun as I would have expected. Lots of exploding and crashing. Basically a guy movie gone kid. Kids seemed to enjoy it, but I was expecting more humor. We got home just in time to have lunch and naps.
When we got up, I left to take Brooklyn to a friends and the big girls wanted to go to the pool. I love that Chelsey can drive. She took everyone there and I picked them up later. Nice. While they were swimming, I went to get the rest of the stuff for tomorrow. I had a few extra minutes so I wandered into Old Navy. Let's just say I had to go back later and did really well. $3 shirts and $7 jeans. By this time in the day, I was really getting grouchy and the heat and I do not get along well. I have tried and tried drinking water, but when it's that hot, it just doesn't do it. I fought it and fought it, but I finally decided I was done. I went to Taco Bell. Now, I barely cheated on the food part because I got a bean burrito and on the diet menu, it allowed one wheat taco shell. I never ate that and I'm allowed beans. (I'm sure taco bell was not what they had in mind) Anyway, I wasn't that far off track, but I had to have a diet Pepsi. I got a small one, but man did that hit the spot!! I was afraid of how I would feel after, but nothing. I have felt sick the majority of the time, I don't know if that is normal or good or what, but it's how it was. I basically made it through six days. I haven't cheated in any other way today, like "I already cheated, so who cares" kind of cheating. I came home had my normal smoothie and pills and that was it for the day. Tomorrow was my last day and it is ending with a big scone party so I wasn't going to last the whole day anyway! I will still take the pills tomorrow, but I'm thinking a big bowl of cheerios is going to be really delicious!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day 6 - I'm done
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Day 5 - I smell
First, in reference to the Bachelorette, I waited and wasted time till 9 pm so I could watch the "after the final rose" and then when I turned it on a few minutes early, it looked like I had missed it. I was so not happy! Turns out I didn't and of course I watched it and was just as uncomfortable as the people being interviewed. I don't know why I watch that one. I'm sure they will be very happy together..hehe.
Yesterday I felt a little better than the day before. Still don't feel well, but not like that day. I even went to Costco with Rhett and a friend and bought them pizza and didn't sneak even one bite. I've been impressed with my ability to resist. I'm not usually that strong even though I feel like I try harder. Today I got up and went to the gym. I don't know if it is the diet or just lack of training, but I die on the treadmill every time. I know I haven't been diligent for awhile, but the last few weeks I have and I still like I have never run before, starting all over. Totally sucks. I have been doing more strength training and hopefully that will show sometime soon. After going to the gym, I took Katy and Bo to Chick Fil A, our favorite place. I ate a salad with Berry Balsamic Vinegarette. Wasn't that bad. I'm sure it was a little cheater since the "berry" part included some sweetener. But Balsamic is the only option on the diet and Berry was all they had. Again, I didn't sneak a single nugget! I haven't been drinking the fiber drink in the cleanse packet, I just can't bear it. Today I decided to put it in my smoothie and see if I would notice it and I didn't! Tonight is our weight loss meeting that I haven't attended in about a month. It's dreadful, but my understanding is that most everyone has quit going. Someone has to be there to take some money so why not me? I can torture myself for 3 more weeks. To the stinking part - This morning Glade kissed me goodbye and told me that the food I was eating was starting to make me smell kinda bad. I told him it was probably the supplements, they taste bad too. I thought maybe it was my morning breath laced with nasty pills so I brushed my teeth and tried again. Nope, says I just have a smell. Nice. He said if I had decided to do this for life, he might have to complain, but as long as it's just a few more days.....Now I have to wonder everywhere I go if people can smell me.
Just a note, my friends son appears to be Ok. Still in the hospital, he cracked his skull, but they are just watching him for the time being. Haven't heard anything today.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 4
Yesterday was day 3 and it stunk. I felt sick to my stomach all day. Even the thought of eating or swallowing one more pill made my gag reflexes go. I didn't sleep well and since I was awake, my mind went to all the things I have to worry about, not very fun. I decided to just have a banana this morning instead of all the fake rice food. Even the thought of a banana is starting to be nauseating. I really just want a piece of pizza and a diet Pepsi. The thought of cheating/or quitting has occurred to me, but I haven't succumbed yet. Almost through day 4 and I want to be successful. I even made Mac and Cheese for my kids today and didn't have a single bite. That is one of my favs. I was eating a not very good steak and sweet potato and my kids were drooling saying they would trade me. I wish!! I ended up not eating the steak so I let them have it. Like buzzards waiting for something to die. Not sure what tonight will bring, maybe pasta, that seemed the most normal.
Today I rationalized to myself that I should not go to the gym, but stay home and clean. Whereas it may have been an excuse, it was a good one. My kitchen has been a wreck ever since the kids got out of school. I decided to give it a good scrub down, including all the corners which seem to get forgotten. This afternoon was registration for my other kids. They were so excited to see who their teachers were. Everyone was thrilled but Rhett. He just doesn't know his very well and it's a man. That could be interesting! Now it's on to crazy scout Tuesday. One of our scout leader's (and very good friend) son took a fall yesterday and is in the hospital. I haven't heard any details so I'm a little worried for them. Hopefully I'll hear something soon.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Become as a little child
I haven't had a really good Sunday in quite a while. Yesterday, I was determined to make it a good one and it was. I dug out Sunday movies they could watch, I read lots of books to the littler ones and didn't make anyone do any work, ok...a tiny bit of laundry. I even cooked dinner for everyone. We didn't have normal Sunday dinner. Whitley made cookies with Stephen after dinner and I wasn't even tempted to eat one. I watched "Legacy" while I sorted laundry and everyone mostly got along. Such a nice change. While laying in bed with Katy, Bo came in crying saying he got hurt. I didn't make him take a nap, but he should have. He laid on my one shoulder and Katy was on the other. She propped herself up and stroked Bo's head repeating "it's OK Bo". He grabbed her and gave her a big hug and wimpered "I love you Katy". For the next 10 minutes, they took turns hugging and kissing and giving I love you's to each other. My big kids could really use a lesson on this one! A preface to my next story, Katy never says "your" it's always "you". While driving to church, Rhett was behind her playing with her hair. She was getting a little irritated and he obviously missed the signals of her screaming for him to stop. I finally told him to stop, so he did. After a brief pause, she very matter of factly says to him "Sit you butt down." Of course we all giggled and that made both of them smile. Makes me giggle just thinking about it. Really was a great day.
On the subject of my cleanse, still going well. Actually, this morning I seriously thought I might puke. Breakfast is going to be hard for me. We were out of bananas and everything I can eat for breakfast is only tolerable because it involves bananas. I really wanted to go to the gym but I just felt like crap. Finally I decided to just get my behind going and at least just walk for awhile on the treadmill. Once I got there, I was fine and of course I didn't come home without a whole lot of bananas! For lunch I decided to try my rice pasta. It was actually good. I put some marinara sauce on it with some chicken and it was pretty good. Almost tasted like normal food! The week is seeming a little longer today than it did yesterday, but I'm going to see it through.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I think I'm gonna live
So I'm a day and a half into my cleanse and it's not so bad...yet. I have tried to be creative with my meals and have succumbed to lots of soy products. Last night was steak and sweet potato with broccoli and carrots. Normal, I have that on occasion by choice. This morning I ate puffed rice cereal (not Rice Krispies) mixed with a banana and soy milk. The first few bites were a little different, but not bad after that. I won't lie, I did add just a smidgen of Splenda, just a tiny bit. For lunch, I made nachos of sorts. I used rice crackers (nasty), but heaped them with beans and soy cheese, salsa and tomatoes. Tonight may bring more chicken and broccoli, we'll see. I would love to have a salad but what's a salad with no dressing? The only thing I'm allowed to use is Balsamic Vinegerette. If I remember correctly, that tastes like dog crap or weeds or something disgusting like that. Speaking of weeds....this fiber drink I have to take tastes like grass and it's all I can do to swallow it. It's been the only true torturous thing thus far. I did find that if I take a swig and immediately eat a grape, it's OK. I haven't had anything too tempting this far, but it's early. I did feel like a chocolate last night and today I really wanted a diet Pepsi, but not too bad. Burping up the rice crackers is unpleasant. I recently read a comment of a friend who was taking wheat grass shots and she commented that she continued to "enjoy" it all through the day. (burping) Then she wondered why ice cream doesn't work that way...too true.
It has given me great appreciation for friends like Katie, Becky and Shelli who have had to buy and consume these things for health reasons. It's not fun, or cheap or yummy. To help ensure success at this endeavor, I have decided to not cook for my family this week. A girl can only be so strong. Some are rather excited at the options this gives them for a whole week, while others thinks it totally stinks. Sometimes life stinks. Speaking of stinks, I have been pleasantly surprised that I haven't been in the bathroom a crazy amount of time. I figured that would be a side effect, but doesn't appear to be. However, I was up 3 times in the night peeing and I think that is not normal. If they put diuretics in the PM packet, well....that's just plain cruel!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Post Staycation
I've almost fully recovered from all the excitement. I feel like I have been doing laundry non-stop for a week. It's been typical summer around here: boredom, arguing, sweating, the occasional outing and more boredom. My big girls start school on Monday and they are very ready to do so. The other kids are just as ready, but still have two more weeks. Brooklyn has summer school so when we drove by the school, we all said "Hi Brooklyn!", then one kid said "lucky!". Most all the school shopping is done and now we are just waiting. This is the time I usually start to go a little stir crazy. Just ready for a schedule again and a little normalcy around here. I was going to home school Nick, but the principal offered me another alternative. He is going half days, just taking Eng, Lit, Math and PE. He will come home at lunch time and spend the quiet afternoon doing homework and fitting in a little science and history. (technically they are not required) I'm really hoping he will buckle down and try hard but we may end up back at home schooling if this doesn't work.
Today I started a 7 day cleanse. I have been at such a "blah" with working out and eating right. Same thing happened last year at this exact time. Just crouchy and tired of the heat and don't want to do anything. I was talked in to a cleanse that they said would make me feel great and then the weight would start coming off again. I want to still lose another 25 lbs. The fun thing about the cleanse is that I can only eat minimal types of food. Chicken, fish, lean beef, rice, beans, and fruits and vegetables. No dairy, grains, sugar, butter, or anything like unto them! I spent the morning at Sprouts and Fresh N Easy looking for soy products and gluten free rice bread. I tasted little bits of some of it and yuck! I guess chicken and broccoli for me this week. I'm determined to stick to it! My biggest weakness is my weakness. I'm going to follow this through and see what happens in 7 days. If you have any great recipes that only include my few meager ingredients....PLEASE!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Last Day of Staycation - Adults Only
The last day of Staycation was a much needed Adult Day! We started with a temple session and then headed to dinner. We ate at Red Robin, then went to the bowling alley. We had two hours of bowling in which we fit in roughly 4 games. I was afraid to bowl because of my elbow. (tendinitis). The first game I bowled with a really stiff arm and my scored showed that. It was very frustrating. In my frustration, I threw a few balls normally and did pretty well. The rest of the night I bowled OK, but by the end I was starting to feel my elbow. It's still a little stiff, but it doesn't really hurt. We had a great time just hanging out and not worrying about the kids. After bowling we thought it only appropriate to end the night with some Nielson's. By that time we were all a little giddy and probably sleep deprived. We laughed and talked and stayed till cute little Austin booted us out at closing time. It really was a fun night and I was only a little sore the next day from bowling. Funnily, we still got together for Sunday dinner as usual.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Day 4 of staycation - the Lake
Day four was a trip to the lake. I hmmmed and hawwed over this one. I really hate water that I can't see the bottom of. Not for reasons of the unknown or fear of what's under there, but it's completely sanitary reasons. Funny from a girl who grew up on the muddy Mississippi. Anyway, I also don't like my little ones on boats. At the last minute, I decided I would go and take Bo, but leave Katy at home. Once again, mom swoops down and saves the day. Katy was really unhappy about being left behind, so I bought her this little pool to play in while we were gone. Once Bo saw that, he didn't want to go to the lake anymore. It was tempting to let him stay, but I knew he would love the lake. After much persuasion, he came with us. Mom was great enough to remember to take pictures of Katy playing while we were gone.
Bo absolutely loved the Banana. He wasn't big enough to hold on by himself so someone always had to be with him. The first time he got thrown off, his face was sheer terror. Once he realized he would be ok, he rode for a really long time.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Staycation Day3 - Amazing Jake's
Day 3 of our staycation was a trip to Amazing Jake's. All you can eat pizza and fun...totally amazing! We had gotten some coupon books that got a bunch of us in for free and cash cards to play video games. That was nice. Our cards were supposed to be for 3 hours of unlimited rides, but in reality, they never expired. That was nice, too. They were able to play laser tag, mini golf, drive go-karts, bumper cars and a few other rides. Then they also had cash cards which allowed them to play video games. We thought we would be replacing the cash cards frequently, but we only bought a few extra. We were there for 6 hours. My feet were killing me from walking and standing that long. Whenever the kids got hungry or thirsty or just felt like ice cream, they could help themselves since it was all-you-can-eat.