Thursday, June 11, 2009

Too good to be true..

That is how my day has gone. I keep waiting for someone to pull something out from under me. I started the morning by leaving early, taking Rhett and Whitley with me for some out-of-the-house time, and going to the Humanitarian Center to pick up some projects to do over the summer and to present in my Enrichment lesson. There was so much! I highly recommend a trip there. Then we went to the dollar store, then to walmart and then to the rental to show it to a family. While there, another woman showed up to look at it as well. That's always nice when they actually SEE someone else interested. The first family has lots going on and their situation is a little unusual, but they seem to love it and want to rent it until they can buy it. The only struggle is that they have to stay in their current home until August and that leaves us making the payment for another month. They also want it painted entirely throughout the inside. After some bartering, we came up with us paying for the paint and them actually doing it. I can live with that. We are meeting Monday to sign paperwork and iron out all the other details. They are actually asking for a lot, but not terribly unreasonable, especially if they end up buying it.

After showing the house, I swung by an old friends house to pick up a craft basket a group of girls had put together. It was fabulous! Too long to explain here, but my kids love it and it worked great for my lesson. Thanks Tairi!! Came home and tried to nap, but my mind was way to wound up. My phone rang all afternoon. The renters, people calling about the rental, carpet guys, Glade (who was leaving out of town) and kids friends. I went to the church early to set up my display of activities so I could relax the rest of the afternoon.

When I got back, Chelsey asked if she could take all the kids to the pool. Hmmmmm, interesting. It made me nervous, but I let her. I was all alone in the house for an entire hour! You would think I would have made the most of that time, wouldn't you? Nope, I read. Stupid books. I got myself ready and headed to Enrichment. Other than taking too much time and talking so fast I was out of breath, I think it went ok. There was just too much to share and not enough time to explain it all. It's always great to spend an evening with such quality gals. Now I need to settle down, relax and get to sleep!! Gotta get up and go back into town to meet the carpet guys again. This time I'm going alone so I can go to lunch with my mom!


Tammy said...

Glad to hear that things are going well. I really wanted to be there for your lesson last night, but things just didn't work out that way. I'm sure it was great!!!

Jake and Jenny said...

Your lesson was great! It gave me a lot of good ideas to stay sane this summer. Thanks for all the good ideas.

Krista Darrach said...

I'm glad it all went well. You'll have to post your lesson ideas on your blog...
I'm doing much better now.
I'm starting the P90X tomorrow.
I'll let you know how it goes.