Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Finishing up

The days have gone by without too much incident lately. Everyone is finally settling in. I was asked to give a presentation at Enrichment about fun Summer Activities to do with your kids. Gee, do you suppose someone read my blog and thought "she needs to do some research!" Anyway, I have and I think I have enough stuff to fill my allotted time. However, if you have anything unusual, or free, or unique...please share! I have had so much in my head and have collected several papers and fliers when I've been places, but I haven't put it all together until today. Some of you have even sent me things I put to good use! I just hope it's not the same ol' same ol' and that someone finds something useful.

Today we had primary activity day which didn't allow us to go to the movies. Most of the kids were Ok with that and really enjoyed the activities. Since Chelsey and Whitley are not in primary and neither is Katy, they went ahead and took her to the movie. I was a little nervous about them having her "out". She did great and they all came back safe and sound.

I decided to go do my groceries today since we were out of dishwasher soap. I stuck to my budget, that's very exciting. I forgot however that I was supposed to open the church for the scouts. Luckily Rhett called and reminded me so I got there right in time. Brooklyn and Dalin had both planned a late night with friends, but Dalin's couldn't come at the last minute. So instead of our typical Fend for Yourself Tuesday, we had Bagel Bites and doughnuts. They have all behaved really well and let me get my enrichment stuff done without much of a hassle. I'm not very good at playdates. I don't mind them, but I'm not good at suggesting them.

Tomorrow I have GOT to go to the gym. It's been a week again, and I hate it. I have no idea why getting there has been such a hard thing. We have our second nutrition class tomorrow and we have to weigh in. If you have gained weight, you have to put in a dollar for every pound. I'm pretty sure if I eat sensibly and go to the gym, I'll be down a pound so I'm not too worried.

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