My own bed and my own shower!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Stuck in Florida
Not actually stuck, but my in-laws truck has been struggling ever since we left. Sitting in the hotel right now trying to figure out what to do with it. Probably hit the beach today then maybe...just maybe...if it takes a few days to fix, Disney World. We aren't sure and haven't said anything to our kids, but it's a possibility. The trip has been mostly uneventful, just a lot of driving. The kids have been mostly good so far. They are definitely ready to do something other than sit in a car though. Me too for that matter. Of course, they are having record heat here. That's how all my vacations go. 95 degrees and 60% humidity. Miserable.
I won't do details until I get pictures, but one little heart breaker - I turned around to Bo, who moved his foot and kicked the laptop, and said "Be careful Baby Boy." (I always call him that). Without even looking up from the screen, he says "I'm not a baby boy. You know I'm 4, you know I'm big." It's over. No more baby boy for me. So sad. Ah well, all things must come to an end I guess. Off to the beach!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
That's what I'm feeling tonight. I don't know why I do this to myself. Is any of it life or death? Nope. If I leave 2 hours late, anything gonna change? Not really. So why am I freaking myself out? Today has been nothing but go, go, go.

Oh and Dad, I just got your card out yesterday. I forgot to actually put it in the mailbox. Not to mention, I forgot to put the good stuff in the card so it's coming seperately. Total Dingbat, but I love you anyway! It was fun seeing you again - I mean when we saw The Land of the Lost the other night. At one point, both Glade and I gasped and made a comment at the exact same time. The pictures don't exactly do it justice, but whoa!!
Glade - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! He totally hates his birthday so I'm mostly ignoring it. I don't usually, but this trip thing is more than enough on my plate, so I'm giving him his wish - no birthday fuss.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's not sinking in
The last few days have been very uneventful. Just day to day stuff, nothing too exciting. Yesterday we met with our renters and went over some details. Looks as if that is going to go through, which is exciting, but a little bit of work. Got home just in time for FHE which Brooklyn had planned. After, I watched the Bachelorette snug and comfy in my bed.
Today, was movie day. It was Spiderwick, too scary for Katy. She did ok in the beginning, but she didn't last a whole long time. Kept saying "too scawy". I eventually took her out and walked around the mall while we waited for the others to get out. After, I was standing, talking to my mom while the kids ran around the little area we were in. Katy disappeared, so I walked in a little circle to find her and this is what she was doing: She looks homeless and starving. She found someone's bag of leftover popcorn so she hid around the corner of the pillar and had herself a treat. After the movies, we came home and just hung out for the afternoon. Brooklyn had a swim activity all afternoon so she wasn't around. Chelsey was planning a little party for one of her friends so she spent the day cleaning, organizing and baking. I kept trying to find time to get to the gym, but every time I decided on a time, something else came up that interfered. Finally, I decided to just go get my nails done instead. Not exactly the same thing, but very rewarding! Fresh set of nails and pretty toes. Sometimes the psyche needs exercising! I haven't had a pedicure in a few months so I was really happy to have good feet again. I bought a color of pink that I LOVE. I used to use theirs, but then if I chipped it or something, I couldn't fix it. Now I can. Came home to Chelsey's little soiree. She has really nice friends. They didn't stay for long. I spent the next hour or so reading while Katy took a bath and the kids played outside.
The not sinking in part - I'm leaving on a week long road trip in 3 days and I haven't don't anything. I should be panicking, but I'm not yet. I have a ton of things to do regarding scouts, the rental, and just plain laundry and packing. I'm going to guess that Thursday night to Friday will be a little frantic. Ah well, such is life...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Princess Breakfast
Today we woke early so we could go to the princess breakfast at Chick Fil A. I have professed my love for them in the past, but today it went to a whole nother level. We expected to go in, get our free breakfast and that would be it. We were very excited to be welcomed by a big balloon arch and all the employees dressed as princesses. They had an activity table where they made necklaces, had a face painter and a background prop for taking pictures. They let you put your name in a box for a drawing (a collection box for emails) and then they drew each girls name out and announced that "Princess Katy" had won a prize. Each girl got one, a goody bag full of hair stuff and jewelry. After we did all the activities, we got their free breakfast and enjoyed! Brooklyn's friend Rebecca and her mom, Jenny, came with us as well as Grandma Green. It was much more involved than I had thought and I love that they did it! We had a great time.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Successful Day
These are two of the favorite suits we found today. We have been searching and searching for modest swim wear. We have found several, but not for a decent price. I have a hard time paying $60 - $70 for a suit. We found these at JCPenney. Chelsey ended up getting the top one only in a different print, kind of light blue/turquoise, tiny polka dot. VERY cute!! The whole thing was only $30. The second one was runner up and that total would have been $37. They had tons to choose from and lots of cute stuff. I highly recommend going there if you are still searching for something for this summer.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Too good to be true..
That is how my day has gone. I keep waiting for someone to pull something out from under me. I started the morning by leaving early, taking Rhett and Whitley with me for some out-of-the-house time, and going to the Humanitarian Center to pick up some projects to do over the summer and to present in my Enrichment lesson. There was so much! I highly recommend a trip there. Then we went to the dollar store, then to walmart and then to the rental to show it to a family. While there, another woman showed up to look at it as well. That's always nice when they actually SEE someone else interested. The first family has lots going on and their situation is a little unusual, but they seem to love it and want to rent it until they can buy it. The only struggle is that they have to stay in their current home until August and that leaves us making the payment for another month. They also want it painted entirely throughout the inside. After some bartering, we came up with us paying for the paint and them actually doing it. I can live with that. We are meeting Monday to sign paperwork and iron out all the other details. They are actually asking for a lot, but not terribly unreasonable, especially if they end up buying it.
After showing the house, I swung by an old friends house to pick up a craft basket a group of girls had put together. It was fabulous! Too long to explain here, but my kids love it and it worked great for my lesson. Thanks Tairi!! Came home and tried to nap, but my mind was way to wound up. My phone rang all afternoon. The renters, people calling about the rental, carpet guys, Glade (who was leaving out of town) and kids friends. I went to the church early to set up my display of activities so I could relax the rest of the afternoon.
When I got back, Chelsey asked if she could take all the kids to the pool. Hmmmmm, interesting. It made me nervous, but I let her. I was all alone in the house for an entire hour! You would think I would have made the most of that time, wouldn't you? Nope, I read. Stupid books. I got myself ready and headed to Enrichment. Other than taking too much time and talking so fast I was out of breath, I think it went ok. There was just too much to share and not enough time to explain it all. It's always great to spend an evening with such quality gals. Now I need to settle down, relax and get to sleep!! Gotta get up and go back into town to meet the carpet guys again. This time I'm going alone so I can go to lunch with my mom!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What a great far!
Today started off not so good because Glade's alarm is still going off at 5:30...grrr. I stayed in bed till 7:30, got around very slowly and finally made it to the gym. I haven't been in a week again. I have no idea why I feel like such a slump lately. I took Bo and Katy with me so they could get out of the house for awhile as well. I didn't get much of a workout, well my body at least. My jaw got a plenty good workout! I ran into my friend Angela there who I haven't seen in forever. We talked more than sweated. It was more fun anyway. After the gym, I decided to take Katy and Bo to Chick Fil A for lunch. We haven't had a day out since the kids got out of school. It was the first time in 2 weeks that I just felt "normal". It was quite nice to just spend time with the two of them. I miss that. On the way home, Katy was eating her ice cream minding her own business when she pipes up and announces "Done!" She held out what was left of her cone for me to take it. I never buy myself one cuz I know one of the two won't finish theirs. As soon as I took it from her, she very stubbornly says "sleep!" Then turns her head to the side, closed her eyes and didn't hear from her again. Lovely!
Today I got a call from someone who wants to rent our house. The great thing about that is that she wanted to buy that exact house when they were first building them, so she knows she loves it already. I'm showing it to her tomorrow. I hope nothing goes wrong. She would also like to stay there until she can qualify to buy it. How great would that be?? All seems too good to be true. We'll have to see how it goes tomorrow.
Tonight is our next weigh in and I'm thinking I should be ok. Just have to not pig out today. I really dread going and sitting through it though. Maybe it will be better this time. I'm only one pound away from the 50 lb mark! I weigh less than I have probably the whole time I've been having kids, but I sure don't feel like my body looks as good as it used to! If I weigh less, why so much flab?? My arms never used to sway in the wind or entertain my 8 yr old at church!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Finishing up
The days have gone by without too much incident lately. Everyone is finally settling in. I was asked to give a presentation at Enrichment about fun Summer Activities to do with your kids. Gee, do you suppose someone read my blog and thought "she needs to do some research!" Anyway, I have and I think I have enough stuff to fill my allotted time. However, if you have anything unusual, or free, or unique...please share! I have had so much in my head and have collected several papers and fliers when I've been places, but I haven't put it all together until today. Some of you have even sent me things I put to good use! I just hope it's not the same ol' same ol' and that someone finds something useful.
Today we had primary activity day which didn't allow us to go to the movies. Most of the kids were Ok with that and really enjoyed the activities. Since Chelsey and Whitley are not in primary and neither is Katy, they went ahead and took her to the movie. I was a little nervous about them having her "out". She did great and they all came back safe and sound.
I decided to go do my groceries today since we were out of dishwasher soap. I stuck to my budget, that's very exciting. I forgot however that I was supposed to open the church for the scouts. Luckily Rhett called and reminded me so I got there right in time. Brooklyn and Dalin had both planned a late night with friends, but Dalin's couldn't come at the last minute. So instead of our typical Fend for Yourself Tuesday, we had Bagel Bites and doughnuts. They have all behaved really well and let me get my enrichment stuff done without much of a hassle. I'm not very good at playdates. I don't mind them, but I'm not good at suggesting them.
Tomorrow I have GOT to go to the gym. It's been a week again, and I hate it. I have no idea why getting there has been such a hard thing. We have our second nutrition class tomorrow and we have to weigh in. If you have gained weight, you have to put in a dollar for every pound. I'm pretty sure if I eat sensibly and go to the gym, I'll be down a pound so I'm not too worried.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to Whitley!
I'm going to be honest...
I know this is a terrible and taboo thing to say, but... I hate Sundays. I LOVE church and I love having family together, but the rest of the day just plain sucks and I'm not sure how to change it. I know how to occupy myself in a good way on Sunday and my big kids have figured it out pretty much, but my middle kids are awful! I have tried projects, giving them books or "assignments", but it's very short lived and then the chaos resumes. My babies hardly get naps because it's so noisy and out of control. Of course, that means I don't get a nap either, but I could deal with that. Babies that don't nap isn't good for anyone! On a normal day, there are things to do...TV, computers, friends, etc. With none of that on Sunday, it's like they are lost. They never behave worse than on Sunday after church. It's very frustrating to enjoy church and feel committed to doing better and making good changes and then to come home and be angry the rest the day. HELP!!! I don't want to give in to TV, but sometimes, I have to's tempting. Don't be mad if you suggest something and I say I've already tried that, I really have tried a lot of things. I just wonder if this is normal or is there some secret I'm missing out on to a peaceful Sabbath day.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
How dare she...
New carpet, new phone, new behavior
I hate when I skip blogging for a few day because the days are so long and when I go back and try to remember them, I don't come up with much.
Whitley's second day at her new job. I'm not sure 'job' is an accurate word. The first day she swam for 3 hours, watched tv and ate flaming hot cheetos. Anyone want her job? Before I took her to work, we stopped by Home Depot to check on carpet for our rental. I hate doing stuff like that. We decided to try a different route and use a guy who we know. I hit the gym, then home and headed for the pool. I told the kids to be ready when I got home and we would go. We got everything loaded up and everyone sunscreened and headed out only to get there and find that they were at capacity and not letting anyone in. Kids were not happy and neither was I. We decided to go ahead and go to the library before we went home.
Got home, took a very short nap and headed back to the pool, only after I called first! By this time it had cleared out quite a bit, but it was really windy. The kids don't really care about stuff like that. Came home, made dinner, showered and had all intentions of going to roundtable. The girl from our nutrition class called to discuss our goals and that took a long time. By the time we were done, I didn't have time to do my hair and get there. The kids were all begging for computer time by now so I got my floor swept and mopped, both living rooms cleaned and vacuumed and Whitley straightened my hair for me while we watched TV. Not bad!
Had to go meet the carpet guy at the rental. Whitley was having her birthday lunch with Grandma, so I took her into town with me. I was so mad when I pulled up to the house. We have canceled with GoRenter and told them we already had new renters(which we did at the time) so to NOT do anything else with our house. There was a sign in the yard and a lock box on the door. I called and was not very nice about all of this. They charge us $100 to do that. I have to admit it turned out good for me because I forgot my key and someone changed the garage code so I couldn't get in. They told me the lock box code so I was able to use that key to let in the carpet guy. Turns out he can do it about $1500 cheaper than Home Depot. Yeah!
Took Whitley to the mall to look at getting her a cell phone. With her new job and birthday money, she is able to pay for the phone and a year's worth of payments up front. Chelsey didn't think it was very fair since she isn't 16, but oh well. Adding Whitley is only $10 a month so she is paying that, plus another $5 for texting. Because she isn't paying her full share of the bill, she isn't getting very many minutes allowed to her. She will have her 5 favs and texting. She was way excited. Grandma met us at the mall and then took her for lunch. I headed home, bringing pizza for the kids.
I was sitting and reading when Katy brought a bottle of hair product to me and asked me to open it. I told her no and to put it back. She threw it on the ground and screamed. I then told her to pick it up in a very stern voice. She screamed 'no' at me and turned around. I grabbed her hair and led her to the bottle and again told her to pick it up. She was screaming and refused to pick it up. Still holding her hair, I took her other hand and put it on the bottle and told her again to pick it up. She picked it up and chucked it while screaming 'no!'. At this point, I smacked her thigh, drug her back over to the bottle and not so nicely told her to pick it up. Again, with the screaming and chucking the bottle. This went on for nearly 5 minutes. That's a long time! I think I smacked her 6 times and never let go of her hair. My fingers were hurting from gripping her hair so hard. I was starting to panic because there was no way I was letting this go now, but she was not giving in either. Finally, I forced her hand to pick it up and marched her to the bathroom and put it on the counter. I picked her up and set her on the counter and gave her a talking to about minding. She was sobbing by now and just sat there muttering "ok...ok" as I talked to her. She sat on my lap for a really long time just trying to get her breathing back. I have never had a kid fight with me like that...NEVER!
Glade was in Tuscon so we didn't have a date night. I had to take Whitley to a party and then stop and get a few things for the boys who are leaving for camp in a few days. On the way home, I stopped to pick up Brooklyn who was at her friends house. I left the van running and went to the door to get her. Her mother and I ended up talking in the doorway for almost and hour and a half while my van sat running. Crazy. In the meantime, kids at home cleaned my bathroom, the mudroom and the garage for computer time.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Free Rootbeer Floats
A Day with no Structure
Today is my run around and do groceries and errands etc. I gave the kids zero responsibility, just keep everyone safe. I had to pick the girls up from their last day at school around noon, then took Whitley to her first day of work. I came home and laid down with Katy for a little bit then worked on my blog book. I let the kids go out on the slip and slide. When it started to sound a little too crazy and Katy was bleeding, I decided I better go check things out. Unbelievable. I won't mention which brainless child, but one of them decided to start throwing things at the other children. Plastic forks, spoons, DVDs, crackers, peanuts, PVC pipes....need I say more?? All this laying out in my yard floating in puddles of water. This is what happens when we don't have structure. When I give them the day off. I learned my lesson, won't happen again.
After a short, ok..medium length, ranting, I made dinner and then headed out for our first nutrition/weightloss class. I won't go into a lot of detail, but it was rather boring. The "teacher" (I use that term lightly) was very dorky and not good at all. I'm pretty sure they just want to sell us Herbalife as well. So it was long, not very informative and I was right under the air vent so I was freezing. I'm sure I lost a pound just trying to keep my body temp up. I was very happy to get out of there and am really hoping it gets better.
Today I talked to Nick's principal and he gave me a few other options other than homeschooling. Now my head is really spinning. It's so hard to know what will be the best thing for him. I have till next week to decide which direction I want to go in. Too many decisions!! I still have a little bit of a headache and I'm pretty sure it's because my brain gets no rest these days. I'm used to quiet time, alone time to have my own thoughts, but I'm not getting a whole lot of that these days. Even while I'm out, the phone is ringing every few minutes. Today I got a call tattling that one child tried to resolve a lying issue by threatening to "come up there and punch you in the face". Seriously?? I try to explain that they are acting as if they were me when they are in charge. Do I ever say things like that?? NO! Power is really not a good thing for some people.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Just need music
So I haven't worked out for days. I just cannot make myself do it. There have been some actual reasons, but nothing super good. Tonight I decided to update my running list on my MP3. Since I have been sitting here listening to the songs, I really want to get out there and sweat! Now, it's almost 9 pm and that is just too late for me, but now I know when I'm just not feeling it to put my music on....Voila!! Right now, totally jammin to GNO. Don't laugh, Miley is good. I googled "running songs" and was a little shocked at some of them. They were kinda dirty and usually very noisy. Not my style at all.
Tomorrow we are starting a nutrition program that is also a weight loss contest. I'm excited to have some motivation again. I ate my last bowl of ice cream tonight. It's just down from here!
Sick Day
Yesterday was long! I am so rarely sick, but for some reason yesterday was one of those days. I felt fine in the morning. I took my little ones to my mom's and then went to check out our rental. Our renters had just moved out and we needed to see what the damage was. I was pleasantly surprised. The carpet is horrific, but it really needed to be replaced before. I'm glad we waited. Other than that and some normal wear and tear, it looked ok. They even cleaned pretty well before they left. The yard was a whole nother story! They had turned off the sprinklers in an attempt to save money. That and they didn't do any yard work! Everything was over grown and half dead. Glade and the boys spent the entire day trying to clean it up. I went to the city to try and straighten some stuff out (see Why are people stupid?) Then back home for the day. It was then that I started feeling crappy. I laid down and when I woke up, I had a fever and a headache that almost made me cry. My stomach felt horrible and let me just say, I'm a wuss at being sick!
Glade and the boys were supposed to make this drive to Florida with Glade's dad to pick up some junk cars he bought on Ebay. I'm not thrilled with this whole situation, but whatever. Now that I was sick I was even more unhappy. I took a bunch of Advil and laid back down and watched Little House on the Prairie. That was a treat! By dinner time, I was feeling a lot better so I got up and fixed dinner. To my surprise, the boys came home and said they weren't going for a couple of weeks. Yeah!! This kids cleaned up dinner and I went back to lay down. My darling husband went to the store to buy some milk and chocolate ice cream. I haven't had real, gooey, totally bad for you ice cream in a really long time. I thought Earth had now become Heaven! It was dreamy. The girls came down and watched the Bachelorette with me, then I headed back to dreamland. (No, not more ice cream!) Every time I woke up in the night, I thought I was going to puke. I hate that. Oh yah....
So, I'm sleeping nicely and all of the sudden.....Blood curdling scream outside my bedroom door. I flew out of bed with my stomach in my throat. Running through the door was Katelyn. My first thought is that she must have been stung by a scorpion. Nope. After Glade calmed her down a little, she says "get me!" What's getting you, we ask. "Jack!" Oh brother. Jack is our lazy, mostly a rug.. dog. She must have seen him in the hall or something and it freaked her out. On a normal day, she lays on him, brushes him, orders him around, etc. I have no idea what happened, but I could not relax after that. My heart was racing and my stomach felt worse than before! Luckily Glade is a night owl, so he sat up with her for awhile.
This morning I feel much better as far as the fever and headache. Stomach still not so good. Today is movie day so hopefully that will go OK. Did I mention, that Glade was sick to his stomach last night and that Stephen puked right before he went to bed? Good thing they postponed their trip!
Sleeping on the Tramp
On Monday, the kids wanted to sleep out on the tramp. We have tried this in the past and it never works out that well. Everyone gravitates to the middle and it's uncomfortable and of course no one will admit it, but it's kind of scary! I'm proud to say that for the most part, they stayed out all night. Rhett came in first, but went back out. Then Nick and Rhett came in, but Rhett went back out and stayed this time. Nick doesn't sleep well on a good night, but he really is a chicken liver. He doesn't like taking the garbage out at night. I was surprised Bo stayed out. I guess if everyone else is, it's easier to not think much of anything. They were up at 5:30 and came in slamming doors and talking loudly. That didn't make me so happy, but they did it and now hopefully the "excitement" of it is over and they will stay inside!
Monday, June 1, 2009
why are people stupid?
Do you ever wonder why the whole world just can't be like yourself?? I know, I know, that sounds conceited, but really.. then everything would be exactly like I want it. Today I had to drive a half hour to take in some papers to prove to the city that I'm not living in our old house and that the renters are out. I guess they have a rather big past due bill. They want proof that they are not living there anymore before they will put the water in my name. Fine, whatever. I drive all the way in there and when I walk in, they announce that their system is down and they can't help me. I talk to the girl at the window anyway and tell her what I needed to do. Sorry, can't help you. She did give me the option to wait for an undetermined amount of time to see if they started working again. Since all I needed to do is bring the proof, I asked if she could just make a photocopy of the lease agreement and my driver's licence. Then when her system was up, we could do the rest over the phone. "Oh no!" she says. "I can't access the account". There is no account, I don't have one yet!! She refuses in her very giddy way. She exuded "I don't have to work right now!" I was so mad. So, in my very "fine!" way, they can continue to charge the renters for the water, which is a bill they will never collect on. I hate stupid people!!