Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sniff, Sneeze, Cough

Right after Glee ended, I finally got what everyone in my house already had.  The snotty, coughing, sneezing goo.  Blech!  I was truly grateful that it waited till I was done with the show so I was trying to look on the bright side, but I'm a really bad sick person.  I'm not exaggerating when I say I didn't comb my hair for three days.  I washed it, didn't even dry or straighten it and then didn't touch it for the next 2 days.  I pretty much just stayed in my jammies that whole time and didn't go anywhere.  Crazy.  I did have to make a trip to the store for something my kids needed last minute for school.  I made him go with me looking all nasty and told him that was the consequence for not telling me sooner!

Luckily it only lasted a few days and now I just have a tiny bit of it left.  Very grateful for that!  I didn't run or anything this week so I seriously need to hit it this next week.  I actually feel like it right now so we'll see how it goes Monday.  I'm running out of time for excuses.  This however is the main reason I got behind on my blogging, I didn't want to come out of my hole. Ü

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