Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Holidays

Well, it's finally actually here... the Holidays!  I can legally decorate, blast Jingle Bells and shop till I drop!  The Saturday after Thanksgiving we put our tree and decorations up.  I like to do this while the kids are at school so it's not so chaotic, but I decided it would be more fun to do it together.  It was fun... but... it was also really chaotic.  The little ones just grabbed decorations and stuck them the first place they came to.  I'm not talking about on the tree, the other stuff.  Finally I told them if they would all get real clothes on I would take them to Taco Bell.  That ended the decorating and I was able to take a breath and come back and try to make some sense out of all of it.

Monday I put up MY tree and then Whitley and I decorated it when she got home from school.  Then Nick and I did the outside lights.  I had to make a few trips to the store to get enough lights to cover it all but we finally got it finished.  Until... I put up the very last string of lights.... POW... blew the fuse.  Dang!  So, I had to do a little changing around and fuse replacement, but they are all on and working now.  December 1st and my house is decorated and almost cleaned, my lights are up and my shopping is all but done.  I have also started reading the book Mary and Joseph again, I thought it appropriate at this time of year.  Now a whole 3 weeks to just enjoy.  I just have to actually remember to slow down and do that! 

Glee is over in a week.  It has finally come together to a place I can be happy with.  Our performance is next Friday so we still have a busy week of rehearsals and last minute things, but then I get to have a little breather.  It's been a truly learning and growing experience.  I have loved dancing all the time and putting things together on a stage.  It's also been stressful, but when you see your finished product, you remember why you did it in the first place. 

Rhett and Brooklyn started track this last week and today was their first meet.  It was cold and raining in the beginning.  Neither one knows their time, but it was not their best race.  Brooklyn was last, just like last year, but we are hoping she can at least improve her own time and work on running longer stretches. Rhett was 12th which sounds pretty good, but he should have been about 3rd or 4th.  He came off crying.  I'm not really sure what happened, but he said he was freezing and sweating at the same time and it was freaking him out.  I'm sure he'll do better next time.  I love to watch him run.  Speaking of Rhett, we are having a repeat of Camp Rock, in Glee, regarding the girls.  Yep, they are flocking.  I'm having to reign him in to try and keep him a little more humble.  Its hard when girls run up to you as soon as they see you and they tell you about all their friends who like you and adults and little girls alike are telling you what an amazing dancer you are.  We're gonna try and keep his head to a reasonable size! 


Leslie said...

I love the stories about Rhett's fame. :)

The Friend not too long ago (?August) has a story about a little girl who can't run a whole mile and doesn't want to be last, but realizes that if she meets her own goal (of not walking at all during the race) she will be happy, even if she is last. Maybe Brooklyn would appreciate it.

Jake and Jenny said...

Glad you got all your decorating done, can relate on the overly helpful hands thing. Someday we will look back and love all the "help" we got!