Saturday, December 17, 2011


Well, I think I can finally blog about this.  The show went really well, pretty much exactly what we expected.  We had a full house and the kids were all really excited to finally perform.  Only a few tears before the show, a little nerves from a few.  They all sucked it up and performed anyway.  It was weird to watch it from a different perspective.  I thought I would sleep really well that night, but instead I woke up often with songs in my head and visions of different choreography.  It only took a couple of days to get all that out of my head.  It was an experience like none other that I've had.  Some was really good and other parts weren't.  I learned a lot and have a new respect for many different things.  I have no idea if my future has any more directing in it!  I only posted pics of my kids (Rhett and Dalin) here.  All the pics are on FB. 

Nick helped with the lights again for this show.  We got pizza right before so all the "helpers" could eat.

Whitley was going to help with lights, but ended up as photographer instead.  Thanks Whit!!

Before we opened the theater to the audience, we had a little dance party to get everyone loosened up.

This was my favorite number, The Boys are Back. Not just cuz it was one I did, but also because my boys were in it and they are just plain cool!  The girls went crazy every time they performed it.  I even saw phones out videoing it during rehearsal.  Short story about Rhett.  When Glade went back stage during this performance, the girls were all giggly and talking about Rhett and how talented and cute he was.  They didn't know his dad was right there in the room.  Glade said he has reason to have a big head.  Too cute.

They also sang Take Me Out to the Ballgame.  Dalin was hilarious.  He's just funny even when he's not trying.

Molly asked each of the directors to get up and say a few words between a couple of the songs so the kids had time to change costumes.  This was me blabbering away.  

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