Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mop till ya Drop

I mopped. Seems like it should be a normal household task, no biggie, but I hate mopping! Weirdly, I would rather swish a hot towel along my entire floor with my foot than actually mop. I'm pretty sure the first is more work. Anyway, I did floor is clean. For now. I'm sure by bedtime at least 3 things will have been dripped or spilled on it.

I also washed my car. Sorry to all of you who have had to ride in my dust buggy. It's now clean. For now. I live on a dirt road after all. Both my little ones shrieked with excitement when we came upon our "shiny" car.

I made two very scrumptious pumpkin pies yesterday. Sadly, my family doesn't like pumpkin pie. Now, one might argue more for me! That would be great if I had the metabolism of a 17 year old. But I don't. So there's no one to truly appreciate my made from scratch pumpkin pie.

Lastly, I'm sick. I sneezed uncontrollable yesterday and now it's all in my chest. I'm a big wimp. I slept with the vaporizer and Vicks rubbed all over. My poor husband. I blame him that I'm sick anyway. I went to bed at 7:45 last night. I watched a DVR'd episode of Little House and went to dreamland. It's hard to run when you are sick. Always seems to be an obstacle. Race in 5 weeks from tomorrow! Terribly excited.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Hope you feel better soon. Maybe it was the mopping that made you sick. Better not do that again any time soon!