Monday, September 27, 2010

Just Like the Others

This is my sweet little Bo and my wonderful daughter Chelsey. What? You don't see her? She is on speaker phone reading scriptures with Bo. This has become a fairly regular occurrence for the two of them. When the phone rings in the middle of the day, he yells "Chelsey!!" Both little ones love to talk to her. Sometimes Katy will play the piano for her or just carry her around the house blabbering about nothing. I love it. She is teasing us about coming home this weekend for Conference. I'll try not to get my hopes up till it's official, but I would love it.

This weekend was as crazy as the rest have been. Saturday I woke up early and headed out for my training. I decided biking sucks because there's too much to worry about. Had a flat tire, had to change it (Nick did), wrong pedals, my butt hurts!, and it's stressful to worry about falling or getting hurt. However, I did it. I rode 9.5 miles and THEN, this is the great part...I ran two miles at 9:29 min/miles.!! Those would be good miles even if I hadn't just ridden 9.5 before it. I was beyond excited. I will have to doggie paddle my way through the swim, but I'm so looking forward to the rest.

That afternoon we had Women's Conference, which I always love. After, we met our husbands and went to dinner. I always love hanging out with good friends. It was a really great day.

Sunday was the Primary program at church. The kids did really well. Even Bo said his part, which before we left he told me he was going to change it. I told him he couldn't do that, but I was a little nervous as he went up. Family dinner was really nice, everyone was here. I married into a great family, I feel very blessed. Rewind to early Sunday morning. Jack came and stood outside my bedroom door. That's when I know he needs to go out. After I let him out, I focused more clearly and notice a path of diarrhea all the way around my wood and in the living room. I wanted to kill him! I started to clean it and got the mop out. I had to scrub cuz some had dried already. A couple kids poked their head out "mom, why do you have to mop so early?" Grrrr. That dog is so on my list. Lucky for me, the day just got better! And, in his defense, he does a pretty good job of protecting my chickens. Which, by the way, are giving me about 3 eggs a day now! Once my other three start out!

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