Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Illinois - Manary Get Together 2009

The very first day back was our get together with my mom's side of the family. We met at my cousin Amanda's house and had a potluck dinner in their "garage". The plan was to be outside, but right as we were pulling up, it started snowing. Yeah!! It was only flurries, but it was cold! The kids had a great time running around in the big yard feeling the chill. All my cousins were there but three. One is in Germany so she is forgiven! I love my family. I only see them once every couple of years, but these are the people I spent the most time with while I was growing up and I have a sincere soft spot in my heart for them. Even my Uncle Brian was there who I haven't seen in years. What a great day.

My wonderful Grandma Bea with Chelsey, Cassie, Sherri, Amanda and myself.

Darrin was probably my closest cousin growing up. It always warms my heart that he takes the time to come see me whenever I'm in town. I thought this picture was just precious.

My crazy sister, Sherri. (be glad I didn't post the ones of you shaking your head really fast!)

Katie (Mike's wife), Me, Sherri, Jessi, Amanda, Adam and Darrin in front.

As many of the great-grandkids as were there. I'm not exactly sure how many are missing, but I'm going to guess maybe 3 or 4.

Laurie and Darrin

Katy having some "cheese curls".

Rhett Daniel and a pickle

I think Glade and the boys played darts most of the night.

Nick, Mason, Stephen and my Aunt Bonnie raiding the food table.

Brooklyn braving the cold.

The boys got a little football game going, was so fun to watch the cousins all play together.

Adam had a roaring fire going, but it was too windy and cold to stay out very long.

Amanda had an apple tree outside that was about to be done so we picked all the apples we could and brought them home with us. My kids weren't too sure about eating an apple right off the tree. Pansies.

Whitley was a hit. All the little ones followed her around most of the day.

Katy didn't mind the cold at all, even though none of my kids had more than a sweatshirt.

After this get together, we went straight to my dad's house for a weenie roast with his side of the family. I don't know why I didn't take any pictures, maybe because I was so tired and by then, it was really cold outside! I think we stayed inside mostly. My favorite memory of that night was one of my kids being so excited and telling me they DO like potato salad. What they were really eating was an apple/marshmallow salad that looked a lot like potato salad. They also discovered Oreo Fluff which is a heart attack waiting to happen, but sooo yummy! One of the things I love about visiting home is all the foods I grew up eating. I guess some things are regional and some must be family. Whatever the case, I love my family and all the great warm and fuzzies I feel when I visit.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Pansies. Hilarious (afraid to eat apples straight from the tree)!