How does one even begin to describe such a hard but amazing experience? The Red Rock Relay started at the top of Brianhead ski resort and ended 186 miles later in Zion Canyon, Utah. Twelve members to a team, each runs 3 legs of the course running straight through the night. We finished in 31 hours and 13 minutes.
The adventure started on Thursday morning as we loaded up and headed to Cedar City, UT. The long drive provided opportunity for us to all get to know each other a little better and begin that bonding that happens when you do something hard together. We arrived just in time for a delicious dinner Kristine's mom had prepared for us. She also let us stay in her home. What an amazing woman she is. After checking in and picking up some last minute things at Wal Mart, we turned in for the night.
The Snow Van, which was us, had an early start the next morning. Up at 5:30 to head to the ski resort to start the race. It was cold! I think about 28 degrees. The first runner rode the ski lift to the top of the mountain and then ran 3 miles back to where we were. Crazy steep downhill. Glade was the third runner and I was the fourth. We both had a 7 mile downhill run to complete. Running downhill isn't as easy as everyone might imagine. It's very hard on your knees and feet. We ran through Bryce Canyon which was beautiful, but the altitude made it really difficult. I was able to finish my run with 10:12 min/miles. I was happy with that. My leg had a small hill to get to the transition which was killer after a long run like that.
Once our van had all run one time, we went back to the house, showered, ate, and took a short nap. I was the first runner of the next set. I was really concerned because my hip was killing me. I really wasn't even sure I could finish the 4 miles it was hurting so bad. I took a bunch of Motrin and went on my way. I was surprised at how much better it felt once I got running. This was my easiest run through Cedar City at a slight downhill. I finished with less than 10 min/miles. Glade got to run in the dark on a deserted desert road. I really got lucky in the runs I had.
Once we were done with the next set, we drove to an LDS church that functioned as the next van exchange and tried to get some sleep. We arrived there around 12:30 am and had to be running again at 4 am. People spread out on the lawn or slept in their cars. Very chaotic with vans showing up and leaving all time. I was able to sleep pretty well for a couple of hours. Glade was the first runner of this set. I was fourth again but was contemplating trading off my run for a shorter one or one later in the lineup. There was not one part of me that wanted to run again. I just wanted to sleep. By now, the soreness of my first run was setting in so my legs just ached and didn't want to move smoothly. I knew I would regret it if I didn't see it through so I went ahead with my last run as scheduled.
By about 5 am it was my turn. The sun hadn't come up yet so it was dark when I started. I had a 5 mile mostly downhill run. I got to run the length of the country club where High School Musical 2 was filmed. I was shocked at how great I felt! Part of that was because we were much lower in altitude so I could actually breathe. I knew there was about a one mile stretch of uphill at the end of my run, but I had no idea how uphill. I was thinking this may be one of my fastest runs until I got to the crossroads where I thought the uphill ended and I would now be going down into the city. Nope, the officer sent me straight up a killer hill. There was no way I could run it. Crazy! I walked at the fastest pace I could muster. My calves were burning. Once I got to the top I ran the last stretch to the transition. I still ended up with 11 min/miles even with the walking the mile uphill. That means my running was fast! I was glad I stuck with it and saw it through to the finish. I finished the race running 16 total miles.
Now that we were done, we went to the Trondo to shower and rest. (Trondo is a combination of a Trailer and a Condo) When it was time, we headed to Zion Canyon to watch our last runner come through the finish line. By then it had gotten really hot and the whole last van had really struggled through their runs. As we drove by the runners getting to the finish line, it was heart breaking. So many were beet red and sweating, walking instead of running. When we finally found Mark, our last runner, we all teared up to see that he was Ok and almost to the end. What an amazing journey to make with so many great people.
Once the race was complete, we went to fill our bellies with some good 'ole Texas Roadhouse. The last van still needed to shower so some of us girls did a little shopping at the Thai Pan Trading Co. It was good to keep walking. By this point, walking was a serious challenge. My legs were totally locking up and so sore. We got ice cream, took it back to the Trondo and had a little after race party where we all got "slunk". This is a new word we created to say "drunk from lack of sleep". At the time it was really funny, you know...sleep deprived, slap happy kind of humor. What a great day.
The next morning we got dressed for church and headed to what we thought was a family ward. Nope, seniors branch. We were quite the sight sitting there in the midst of seriously old people. They even acknowledged how great it was to see youth in the congregation. Too funny. We changed and headed back home. On the way home, we stopped at Chelsey's and she offered to make us all dinner, what a sweetheart. We were in a little bit of a hurry so we passed but it was good to see her. Upon arrival, we found a cute little note on the door and anxious kids. What a nice homecoming. There is always a little post-race depression after a big event. A little bit of "now what?". I'm constantly amazed at what great people we are so fortunate to get to experience. Doing hard things is so rewarding. Finish line: Mark Weech, Scott Brown, Glade, Laurie, Jill Brown, Yvette Weech, Jerel Campell, MaryAnn Wells, Boyce Campbell, Kristine Garner, Charlotte Bain and April Marchant. AKA - the Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Red Rock Relay 2010
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So proud of you!
What a wrap-up! You guys are amazing. I'm so happy you took tons of pictures. It's fun to see some of your race.
P.S. I'm cracking up at "slunk" hee hee!
You are all amazing! Great recap of the race, Laurie!
Amazing! I bet it was a beautiful area to run through.
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