Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wisdom and Reality

Reality #1 - I will never be able to "not think about it" in regards to my weight. As soon as I stop thinking about it, I gain. I guess reality #2 could be that I'm a pig. I thought once I got to a comfortable weight, I could just go on living with no thought to it. That would be lovely and I'm sure there are some in this world who live that way. I cannot. With that said:

Reality #2 - (for me) There is really only one way to lose weight and keep it off. I fell in love with the HCG because it was really fast and targeted your torso. Reality is is that you have to do 6 weeks of maintenance after and I do not have that kind of commitment. No sugar or starches for 2 months is more that I can or want to put myself through. Hence, I gained back about half of what I lost on HCG.

Reality #3 - I like to eat and eat way too much. In an effort to lose the 8 lbs I gained back after HCG, I decided to go back to what worked in the first place, Weight Watchers. As always, it's such an eye opener to realize how badly my portions had gotten out of control. How many calories 5 cookies actually are. How much more food you can eat if you make smarter choices and exercise. How much better you feel when your food contains nutrients!

Wisdom - Eating right and exercise work. It's slower and requires a little more discipline, but I have never gained back any weight from this method. Patience is definitely not my strong point. But, when adding up the time spent on HCG and the true deprivation that comes with it, I could have eaten smartly and lost the same weight but not be having the yo-yo effect.

In actual reality I should probably lose another 15 lbs, but that would be hard and probably hard to maintain. I'm not looking to be "thin", just comfortable and capable and healthy. I needed the reality check right now to put things back in order for me. Winter will be much easier because working out will come more often and with less dread (the heat). As some wise old turtle once said "slow and steady wins the race."

1 comment:

Tina Green said...

Wise words for sure. The real trick is to get portion control to become so natural that you no longer 'think about it'. You have done such an amazing job with your weight. You look great and I know you feel better too. And along the way you have accomplished things that you never would have even considered. You have found an inner strength that you probably didn't even know you had. Not to mention you have met some incredble people on that journey. All those things were worth the wait. I'm so proud of you.