Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Almost Free

I have been working so hard these last two days to get caught up on everything I have let slide recently. I have many things I want to do, but feel like I shouldn't till my "work" is done. I'm almost there! My laundry is done, well it was....till everyone got undressed last night. I cleaned and cleaned my disastrous house. I organized a little. I worked out my new budget, that's never fun or easy. I mailed things just sitting around waiting for me. And now I'm trying to get my blog caught up. Still have our trip to Illinois and Halloween to cover.

Because I had done so well yesterday, I decided to open the suitcase back up (the one I found in IL). I haven't touched it because it consumes me so much. I read through all the clippings and postcards and found out some interesting facts about my family. Not only that, but I found two more generations of names that I didn't have before. Very exciting!

The boys are starting football this week and I'm officially thinking Christmas. Might as well, it looks like Christmas exploded everywhere I go! I went to try to get some Halloween candy on sale and the whole isle was already filled with Christmas candy. However, I turned the calendar and saw beautiful November, but walked outside and felt horrible June. What has happened here?? Only AZ can go from 57 to 90 degrees in a matter of days. Enough already.

The baby chicks are doing well. The lame one died Saturday night. I was ready for her to go, she was a little high maintenance. Now they are all fine and play nice together. They sleep way more than they did the first day or so. The other ones are growing like crazy. Can't wait till they can all be outside and give me some eggs!

Had a terrible dream last night, not even going to try to explain, but boy was I glad to wake up. The rush of relief that it wasn't real and that everything was fine. It sure has stuck with me today though. My step mom is in the hospital for a few days and we are really thinking about her and praying she gets better quickly. Gotta get some chicken canned this week and a few pies made. I think I will cook up the rest of my pumpkins and just freeze the mush for later. Feeling very grateful for all I have and especially for the good health of my family. We have been very blessed.


Anonymous said...

Yep, your family is blessed! I hope you aren't canning the new chickens!! HA HA
Prayers offered for your step-mom's health. Dacia

Leslie said...

Loving the updates! I hope Jo recovers soon. I haven't canned chicken yet...I sure need to!