Our plan was to leave really early in the morning on Thursday. As per every other trip, Glade worked until 2 am so he was not really wanting to get up at 5. The kids however, were. We eventually pulled out about 6:30 and were on our way. The trip was extremely uneventful in a great way. We were able to make it there in about 27 hours. I can honestly say that the kids were 98% perfect. Hardly any fighting or whining and no unplanned potty stops. We drove through the night and they all slept and were just SO good.
Normally we do a lot of seat switching, but not this time. They all stayed put and were happy. Stephen and Rhett snagged front seat.

We put Katy where she is because it's the best place for the DVD player to hang. She always gets priority because she gets bored the easiest. It worked out well because Bo and Brooklyn were about the only other ones who would want to watch what she did.

So I noticed it appears as if little Dalin isn't buckled...raskal. Way in the back you can see Whitley. She and Nick hung out in the back most of the time. We only stopped briefly for lunch (drive through) McDonald's and spent $11.88. I had gotten pringles and other snacks to offset travel expenses. For dinner, we let them get out at Pizza Hut and have a little break from the car. It was cold! We were all still in our AZ clothes and let me tell you...we weren't in AZ.

Can't have a trip without the sideshot of Glade! In the morning in was rainy and cloudy which was really nice to not have to drive right into the up coming sun. We stopped at McD's again and let everyone get out and change clothes and brush their teeth.

Blurry picture on the fly, but just wanted to capture a little of the scenery along the wayside. Things hadn't quite changed yet, but every once in a while, you would see a little bunch like these.

A welcome sight.

Because we got there earlier than expected, Dad wanted us to waste a little time before we came to the house since he wasn't there yet and didn't want to miss the arrival. So, we drove around the little town I grew up in (Andalusia) and showed the kids all the sights. I'm sure I was the only one to really enjoy this, but whatever! This is the house I lived in most of my growing years. It was green with a big tree in front when we were there. It's amazing how big trees and foliage get over the years.

When we thought enough time had passed for Dad to get home, we headed to his house. Nope, still wasn't there yet. We drove by, then to the end of his street and back by again. Poor JoAnne, she saw us...but we never stopped. The kids bladders were about to give out, so we pulled down a dirt road and let the boys out to pee. They thought this was kind of cool. Rhett even yelled "There's corn on these!" City boy.

Finally we arrive. Dad and Jo waiting for us in the drizzle. The kids all piled out like a clown car and many hugs were then given. I love that my kids are so free with their hugs. Bo and Katy cannot possibly remember them, but they were just as excited to see them as the rest. Let the vacation begin!
Love the country boy peeing shot! Boys are so lucky-they can enjoy nature and relieve themselves :)
That car ride looks a whole lot more peaceful than the one's we take! I also love the pee shot!
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