Saturday, October 31, 2009

Conventional is not for me

Yesterday I spent the day looking after our 8 new baby chicks. One was half dead when I got it and they won't let you exchange it so I separated her and tried to get her strong enough that they wouldn't peck her to death. She kept escaping from the box and at one point jumped herself right off the counter. Luckily there was a laundry basket with clothes in it right below and that's where she landed. See, bad laundry habits can be useful! I guess chickens really are dumb. I stopped trying to separate her because she was going to kill herself trying to get in with the other chickens anyway. It was obvious though, that the home I had built for them wasn't going to work very well. I hadn't counted on them being so lively and able so quickly. This morning, the lame one seems to be doing a little better and maybe, just maybe, might survive. The kids seem to like it having them so far. Chelsey even said it was kind of fun feeling like a farmer.

Last night we went out with friends to dinner. We went to Olive Garden and that made it really hard to stick to my calories. I actually didn't, but I did much better than I could have. After, we stood out in the parking lot talking to one of the other couples for about an hour. Shocking, I know. It was good though because I learned a lot about the chickens. We were also in a Wal Mart parking lot that conjoined with the restaurant, which was very handy since I now knew I needed an actual heat lamp versus a reg light bulb. Learning learning learning. Anyway, I went over to Wal Mart and sure enough, they had exactly what I needed. Including a really big box sitting in the isle waiting to be unloaded. I asked a few workers and they told me that at 10 the guys would be there to unload them and I could have them. It was 9:30 so I figured I could wander for half an hour. The funny thing was that the things that kept calling to me to buy, were slippers and PJ's. I was way ready for bed! Ten o'clock came and no workers. Then someone informed me they were in a meeting and would be another ten minutes or so. I was really getting impatient by now and surveying the area to see if I could just get it myself. This is where the unconventional part comes in. I waited a few more minutes and when I heard an announcement for all 3rd shift to report to the truck, I was done. I moved a few heavy boxes from the top of the box I wanted and started unpacking that box. Luckily there were just a few light weight storage bins in it. I just stacked them next to the other boxes and headed out with my new chicken COOP for my babies. (Thanks Les and Sis. Parker) Then I was mad I hadn't just done that half an hour ago! Grrrrr, if you want something done right..... So I got home, made the new home, plugged in their heat and got them settled for the night. I had gotten them an automatic water thingy and made a feeder and now they had heat and a box they couldn't jump out of. They all snuggled down and went to sleep....and so did I.


Leslie said...

It's okay Farmer Laurie, I don't think you have to be able to spell to be a good farmer.

Tammy said...

Wow, you are becomming quite the little farmer aren't you?! I'm glad that your sick chicken is doing better. Way to go!

Tomena said...

Good for you... we have chickens too. And a milk cow. Her name is Ashely.