Rhett had his first cross country meet today and he did SO good. I couldn't be prouder. He has never been one to compete well. He gets his 'sore loser' from me, but he takes it to a whole new level. Most of his life he has just quit when he knew he couldn't win. Since he started running, we have talked a lot about him being young and how this is mostly just practice for when he gets older. When the race started, all 50 or so kids took off and he got lost in the shuffle. I was afraid this would discourage him. They didn't run laps, they took them out and around the school, so we didn't get to see them except when they started and when they finished. I had no idea where Rhett would be. The first kid came in way ahead of every one and then a few trickled in after him. I couldn't believe it when Rhett came through the gate! He finished 14th. Amazing. Did I mention how proud I was?? On a side note, my emotions are out of control lately. As the girls came across the finish line and everyone was cheering for them, I teared up the whole time. I didn't even know any of them! I kept having to turn away from the lady next to me so she didn't think I was luny. Jeepers.
Bo is funny lately so I thought I would share some of his thoughts. Today he asked me if I could get him some short sleeved jeans. I knew what he meant, but I couldn't convince him they weren't sleeves. He also keeps asking when our chicks will start "pooping out eggs". I'm trying to get him to say "lay eggs".
I cry at races, too. Parades, check. Commercials, check. Just about anything, check.
Way to go, Rhett!
That is so great for Rhett! We have over 20 eggs in the incubator right now so we are more than willing to share!
im so happy to see there are people like you! thank you for updating your blog-LOVE your homemaking for dummies!
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