Monday, September 30, 2013

Family History Sunday

This was an awesome Sunday.  Spent the morning blogging, then went to church.  Church was uneventful, but nice.  Our third hour was a lesson on family history.  I'm not going to lie, I was NOT looking forward to it.  We've had a lot of lessons on family history and indexing so I was a little burned out on that one.  But I went.  That afternoon, we had our friends, the Kettrings, over for dinner.  Delicious Alfredo, corn casserole, garlic bread, salad and pumpkin apple muffins for dessert.  After dinner everyone pulled out their laptops and started looking up their "fan charts" on  Turns out Melanie and Glade cross over somewhere.  The kids all started wanting to see theirs and then I pulled out the old pictures I got in Illinois from Grandpa Joe a couple of years ago.  They are almost all unmarked and very old.  But it was fun to go through them and read some of the things that were in there.  Old cookbooks, report cards, journal type books, etc.  Finally we all settled down to watch Ephraim's Rescue.  Mel and I had seen it, but no one else.  I just love that movie!  The kids eventually got into it.  At one point when they were showing a little boy crying as his mom was trying to convince him to walk across the icy water with her, Bo pipes up and says "I thought the pioneer children sang as they walked!"  I guess he got to see the reality of pioneer life.  But it was a wonderful night with great friends.  We finished with prayer and ended the night.  I love having great friends who believe as we do and share common interests and values.  Now what to do with all those amazing pictures??

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