Sunday, September 29, 2013

Being a Mom is a Crime?

Yesterday, a midst all the craziness, I had my panties in a wad over an article I saw on FB. It was really stupid and the article itself meant nothing to me, but the comments are what really got to me. Essentially the gist of what people were saying is that LDS women are oppressed and have no clue about the world. I know that people are idiots and say things about things they know absolutely nothing about, but when it's about something you hold dear and means so much to you, it's just hard to swallow. So I decided to put my 2 cents in and make sure there was some voice of actuality on this thread. Here is what I wrote:
 Where's the crime in loving your children? Wanting to be with them, nurture them, teach them? I'm a very smart and ambitious woman and I CHOOSE to stay home and raise my NINE children. Why are the only valuable activities attached to a pay check? You want to see success, see a contribution to society?? Follow my kids around for the next twenty years. You will find honest, hard working, faithful adults. Ones with integrity. That's because I chose to stay home and teach them. No value?? Oppressed? You telling me I have to earn a pay check, is oppressive. I'm not a man, I'm a woman and we're different. EQUAL, but different. I absolutely love being taken care of by my man. He treats me like a woman. We're a team! Just because you don't understand something , doesn't make it wrong.

My comment received several "likes", but I was also told that I clearly missed the point and that I couldn't possible be very smart if I had nine children. And if I did need that many, why didn't I adopt children who were abandoned and make a difference?  I refused to enter into the banter and abuse that was going on.  These were not people who wanted to understand or learn, just ones who wanted to be hurtful.  The ridiculous things that were being said and name calling are so shameful. The bottom line of this for me is that we ( our church) base our lives and actions according to the scriptures and Gospel teachings.  If you don't believe in that or put value in it, then we really have nothing to talk about.  Why would you understand the Divine calling of motherhood?  Or the respect and reverence we give to the priesthood?  Or the sanctity of marriage and family that we believe in? 

So why would I cast my pearls before the swine?  To people who believe that unless a woman earns a paycheck and makes her mark in the business world, she has failed to "become".  She has given herself no value.  That staying home to care for and nurture your children is a wasted life.  That we are so oppressed and "in the dark ages" that we can't possible know what's out there waiting for us.  That success comes from your title.  My question is, if all women need to get out there in the work force and prove their worth, who IS raising the children?  No one.  This is why we have 15 year olds killing out of "boredom".  Statistically speaking, our prisons are filled with people coming from homes without mothers or fathers at home taking care of them.  

One thing is correct, my success does come from my title.  The title of Mother.  Never have I had a job/title that has been so rewarding.  None that brings me more honor and joy than that of teaching and loving my children.  The world may see me as a wasted life.  Ask my sweet (not so little) ones if I have no value.  If my being at home is a waste, disappointing?  Ask their future spouses and children and contribution to society will be way more felt than any business I could run or title I could hold.  Children need their parents, homes need mothers and we all need God.


Leslie said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. Dacia