Rhett spent the weekend in Cali to run in a race with his team. Nine boys were chosen to go and he was one of them. I wish I knew more details about the meet, but I don't. I know that there were 19 teams and 9 boys per team. They left on Thursday, ran on Friday, played on Saturday and returned home late that night. I sent Rhett with our extra phone and he texted me the whole time. Now, I know that having a phone when you haven't before is really fun, but I like to believe he didn't just text me because he had a toy, but because he loves me.
He roomed with 4 other boys. He took his scriptures and said they all had scripture study before bed the first night. I haven't heard about the second night, but I love that they are willing. Friday he called before his race and then texted me as soon as he was done. His text was so awesome! I hope this isn't an invasion of his privacy but with technology today I decided to just show you straight from the source. This was his text when he was done:

This was his fastest time from last year and last Saturday he came in 7th on his team, so this was improvement. What I love most is all the exclamation marks. I've almost resigned myself to having to be ok with Rhett being totally fine being average. He puts very little effort into his running. He's so good just naturally, that it's frustrating to think how well he could do if he just tried a little bit. But he doesn't seem to want it like I do. So I had decided that I may just need to be Ok with it. But things like this make me think that he might get there someday. The hunger to do better and compete. I love to see him care.
The following texts are just plain sweet and special to my heart. We have a goofy thing between us about the song "A Thousand Years". I like to tease that it's our song. He likes to protest that that's weird. But it's a fun game to play. So the first text is from Thursday while he was bored and texting me on the ride to Cali. The second is from Friday night after the race as he was checking in with me at the end of the day. He was actually telling me that a girl he liked, liked him back. I made sure to tell him no smooching allowed! He said he doesn't "role like that". So I was telling how cool I thought he was and this is how the conversation ended. Mine is blue, his is yellow.
will love him for a thousand years...
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