Sunday, September 15, 2013

How it's going

Well it's going quite awesomely actually, thanks for asking!  But for real, As busy and a little overwhelmed as I have been... things are shaping up nicely.  I only have one song left to do for Grease, which is actually not a song I was slated to do, but the other girl is feeling stressed so I am.  And the songs I have done weren't that stressful to do. It's a weird thing to say, but I'm actually kinda happy with how they turned out.  I hope they end up good on the stage.  Normally doing this really stresses me out and I stand there listening to the music having no idea of what to do, but this time was different.  I can't say everything is 100% original, I've watched a lot of youtube videos.  But before, I would sometimes have to resort to taking a whole chunk straight from a video when I would get stuck.  I never did that this time.  I definitely took moves I liked and incorporated them, but most of it just came to me as I worked on it.  It felt really good!!  Plus it's been really fun working with my kids.  I even had someone comment on how cool it was how Stephen and I work together.  Because there's so much partner dancing, I use him to demonstrate.  He's big and strong and I know he won't drop me.  Most of the time.  But all in all it's been really fun so far and mostly drama free.

The wedding is coming along nicely as well.  I started to stress that there was so much that still needed to be done and that I didn't have enough decorating ideas, so one day I took Mom and Chelsey and we went and got some stuff done.  Some of the little things that weren't difficult, just needed to be done.  Then last night a couple of new decorating ideas came to mind and now I'm actually a little excited about it.  If we can just get these last invites out so that's not nagging me all the time, I'll feel much better!

The family life is same old same old.  Busy!!  But everyone seems to be doing well in school and loving the things they are involved with so that makes my life pretty easy.  I often sit and reflect on how easy my life actually is and how seriously awesome I have it.  It almost feels to good to be true!  Speaking of which, my Grandma Bea is coming out for the wedding!! That is a miracle right there.  I'm just so excited to have her hear I can't even tell you.  We will be able to take a 5 generation pic with Brynlee.  As for her, she is up to 8 lbs and smiling fairly regularly now.  She's still a skinny little thing, but it's fun to have her react to you.  I only see her about twice a week since they don't live that close, but it's so delicious to be able to kiss her to death when I do.

So, how's it going??  Awesome...just plain awesome!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I'm glad things are going Awesome for you! Have a great week!