The problem with "catch up" blogging is that you can't remember details about all the things you've done. This 4th of July we spent in Payson as usual. Some of us went up to find a camp spot Wednesday and then went into town to join the others on Thursday. We had a great spot and met some really nice people while there. Including a couple that actually lives about a mile from us. They had some horses with them and they were very sweet in letting our kids play with them and feed them. The mini horse was very friendly and even let the little ones sit on her. The bigger one would give kisses and hugs on command. The kids loved that.

We had five families there. We played a couple rounds of softball, thanks to Jake's urgence. During one of the games I was hot on a fly ball when out of no where a tree popped up. The ground was extremely bumpy and probably not a safe place for anyone to be running, but I was determined to catch that ball! Just when I thought I was about to have it, I noticed a slight scraping sensation on my arm. Within seconds, I was completely entangled in the branches of the tree and then on my rear. No one even bothered to yell "tree!!" Apparently it was funny cuz everyone was crying laughing. Luckily I'm tough, both physically and with my pride. Only had a few scratches down my arm. Glory days....
Jake took all the kids to the lake and they did a little cliff jumping. I stayed back for that one. But they had a great time. We did a lot of sitting around, eating and visiting. The kids all got along great, including the Garr girls who we kept when there parents didn't want to stay. We got a little rain and had to cinch up our trailer cuz it leaks in a million different places. The adults spent Saturday night at the local restaurant having a "date night". On Sunday we attended the same branch that we did last year. It was so full! So full as a matter of fact, that they canceled the second part of church because there wasn't room to accommodate everyone. It was a wonderful testimony meeting though. If we had any complications, I can't remember them. Just a fun weekend with good friends.
The actual day of the 4th was a blur to me. I had a severe allergy attack all day and couldn't do anything but sneeze, which then gave me a huge headache. I was seriously doped up on Benadryl and in a fog the whole time. Wasn't my favorite day. We had a good crowd though and decent weather. I don't think we even lost anyone! Joe, of course, had a plethora of fun things for the kids to do. We grilled hamburgers and watched fireworks and then went to the cabin to sleep for the night instead of going back to camp so late. The cabin was HOT and not that fun to sleep in. By that time I was close to tears from being so tired and not feeling good all day. I was happy to not have to go back to camp though. Showered and ate in the morning then headed to camp.
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