Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Post Wedding

My computer has been down for over a week and I just can't get myself to blog on my phone.  Thank you Glade, for leaving me your laptop!  I can't post about the wedding just yet.  I'm still recovering, so reliving it this soon would be detrimental to my progress.  As of Monday, I was on official vacation.  I've done virtually nothing.  It's been awesome!  It helped that Glade was out of town those two days so I had absolutely NO ONE to be responsible to.  Well, Ok, my kids, but they love it when I choose to not be responsible.  House is a mess, eat whatever you want, no nagging.

I've run two out of the three days.  It's been good too!  I've been to the mall, got minimal groceries, out to lunch, went to the movies, watched movies in my bed, put up Halloween decorations, did some Boo-ing and slept whenever I felt like it .  Seriously fantastic.  What have my children been doing?  Well, they have been with me for some of that, but then they were left at home.  For hours.  Doing nothing but playing video games.  I mean HOURS.  Yes, they like me being on  vacation!

I also took some time to get their bikes ride-worthy.  Bo's needed some work and Katy got a new one for $20 from a neighbor.  Rhett got his working as well.  Katy hasn't been off hers ever since.  6:30 this morning she was up and at it.  She just loves riding all over.  I hate that we haven't been good at keeping their bikes in good shape.  It's been perfect weather for it.

Today I got busy.  By that I mean cleaned the garage.  It was well overdue and the weather has been really nice in the morning so we went to work.  Took us about 3 hours and it was so wonderful to pull both cars in and to be able to walk around.  That was really the last big thing nagging at me.  I have tons of little projects, but that one was big.  Now it's done!!

I haven't touched a single thing from the wedding, it's all still in boxes in the front living room.  Not until next week, I refuse.  Then I'll figure it out.  I WILL get my living room back soon. The holidays are coming and I can't wait to get out all my stuff.  The very coolest thing is that I have nothing on my plate right now except planning for the next few months.  Bring on the Fun!

Tomorrow we get Nick back to the Dr. and hopefully off crutches.  We are also going to attempt Rhett getting his permit.  I know!!  Scary.  He's not ready to drive, but I need him to get there so we might as well get moving.  Friday we'll go to grandma's and go through costumes and then Saturday is back to play practice and Brooklyn's bday party.  This fall break shaped up pretty nicely.  On that, a little side story.... Katy says to me yesterday "not being in school is weird.  Can you write me some math problems and give me a spelling test?"  Strange little girl.

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