Sunday, September 29, 2013

Counting Down

We have a lot of counting down going on around here.  The big one, of course, is the wedding this coming Friday.  We are all counting down that one for different reasons.  Whitley can't hardly stand it and I just want my brain (and car) back.  Katy on the other hand is counting it down cuz she just wants a play date!  My standard answer to all the "can we.." questions is "Can we just do that after the wedding?"  Stinks for them, I know, but our weekends are just really full right now!

Rhett is counting down till next Friday for a whole nother reason.  That night is not only the reception, but a big XC meet as well.  We discussed it as a family and decided to let the kids go run in the meet.  They will have spent the whole day doing wedding stuff and will only have to miss part of the reception.  This is a pretty big one as well.  Yesterday he PR'd at 20:05 and finished 9th.  He didn't even look that tired.  He's finally got that need to win.  I absolutely love it!  Now, most of the boys PR'd so one does have to wonder if the course was as long as it was supposed to be, but they all assured me it was just a fast course.  Doesn't really matter, he was stoked.  I guess it will only matter next week when he does more like his normal times and is disappointed.  Anyway, he can't wait for the next one.  His coach said he is really working hard at practices and that makes me happy.  Rhett isn't one to always do the hard things when someone isn't standing over him.

Nick is counting down to the day he can walk, about 12 days I think.  He has been on crutches since that fateful jump from the cliff.  He is extremely sick of having this limitation.  If all looks well, he can START putting pressure on it.  The doc said it might take a week or two before he can finally put full pressure on it. His one leg is SO skinny.  Like seriously noticeably skinny.  We will all be glad when he's not just a texting couch potato all the time.  To give him due credit, he goes with Glade every Saturday to whatever service project they are doing and helps in whatever way he can.  He's really good like that.

They are all counting down to fall break.  Stephen is off now for two weeks, but the rest have another week before they get their break.  The weather has sorta cooled off, but not great yet.  The mornings are usually in the 60's which is nice, but it has warmed up beyond my comfort zone usually by about 8:30.  Still 90's in the day.  But at least it feels like a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.  Too bad we can't do anything very exciting over break.  I'm sure just recuperating from wedding stuff will be just what we (I) all need.

Me, I'm counting down to all of it.  I love Whitley and it has been seriously not stressful to plan the wedding, but I'm kinda done.  Just want it to be here and over.  My brain wants to move on to the next thing.  I love watching Rhett run so I'm always excited for the next meet as well.  As for Nick, way over that!!  Mostly, I'm just excited to give myself permission to move on to the holidays!!

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