Sunday, September 29, 2013

Parent Teacher Conference

This kids had early release all week due to parent teacher conferences.  With my first couple of kids I always looked forward to these because they were so good in school and the teachers always had such sweet things to say about them.  Then we got to the middle three who were a bit more challenging in the school department. I still hold my breath when report cards come.  They all have plenty of ability, it's just weather or not they choose to do the work.

But now I have Bo and Katy.  It was an absolute joy to go to theirs.  Katy had a practically perfect report card.  I'm very sure her teacher even used the words "she's the perfect student".  All her scores are above her class average and she does better on phonograms than almost everyone else.  She said she was a great leader, reads SO good and that she can always count on Katy to know what's going on or to help her.  Yep, that's my girl.

Bo's teacher wasn't quite as raving, but said he was always smiley, nice to the others and his scores are about off the charts.  He is so stinkin smart.  Be the end of his 3rd grade year, they want them reading at a 5.3 grade level.  At the beginning of his 3rd grade year, he's reading at a 6.4 grade level.  He's never missed a phonogram and she has started him on multiplying already.  She also has requested him to be tested for speech because of his lisp.  I was so grateful to get that letter!  There's hope now!

Dalin is in JH so they don't really have conferences unless you request one, but he's doing really well except his English. For some reason, my kids just don't get it!  But he's loving school, running XC and being in the choir. Switching schools was definitely a good thing for him.  He ran his first meet yesterday and did well.  He came in 45 out of 116 boys.  Not too bad for his first meet.  The fact that he even does it is awesome!

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