Monday, May 2, 2011

Today in History

My mixed emotions: Yeah! No more Bin Laden!! Ouch. He's still human. It's one of those days you weren't sure would ever come and now that it has, it's not what you thought it would be. Obviously it's a relief to not have him be on the loose anymore. However, all the "rot in Hell's" make me a little uncomfortable. I'm just going to say this, we don't know his judgment. For all we know, he was taught from the time he was two to kill and plot and do all manner of evil. Only God knows his circumstances and I'm glad I'm not the one to determine his fate. Yes, it's a historical day.... but it really means very little. Terrorism hasn't ended, violent and mean groups still exist. I hope that this doesn't consume our society for very long; the scriptures say to forgive and love your enemy. I'm not saying that's easy or even possible right now, but encouraging the hate and gruesome "remarks/jokes" isn't good for any one. It's done, there's some let's move on.

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