Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I run, therefore I RUN

I like to think I'm a very able and capable person. I have big plans for things I think I can do. If I don't think I can do it, I don't even consider it. (I'm a bad loser) Running a marathon has never even been a temptation for me. Even people I know that run well say the marathon sucks. It's hard and they hurt and they cry. Hello? I'm a wuss, not a marathon runner. Well I must be desperate for a vacation or just plain out of my mind because when Glade mentioned running the St. George marathon in October, I actually thought... maybe I could do that. I haven't run steadily (or at all) for almost 2 months. At this point, it's almost like starting over. Starting over sucks. AND, its only getting hotter! But, I want to run... I like to run... I wish I was running. So in a blurred state of mind, I somewhat agreed to sign up with him. The beauty is this - so many people want to run St. George that you sign up, but then your name has to be drawn. If you know me at all, you know I never win or get picked for anything. So reality says I'm safe and I'm not actually going to be committed to a 26.2 mile run. But just in case, I printed out a training program.

Today at 5:54 am I got out of bed and donned my running clothes. I stepped out into a slight chill (thank you!) and started out for my 3.5 mile run. I ran with Glade the other day and was fairly pleased with how well it went. Today I had decided to just get it done and not worry about time yet. Just get the miles in. I'm not sure what it looks like when a sweaty forty year old woman walking down a dirt road suddenly does a little jump and throws her hands in the air, but that's the scene I created this morning. I ran the whole thing and when I checked my time, my average pace was 9:48 min/miles!! Sub 10s and I haven't hardly run at all. Maybe I could do a marathon...


B said...

girl, you are awesome! And an inspiration, thanks:) Maybe that'll be my goal - marathon at age 40! Holy Cow! You are cool:)

Leslie said...

I bet it looked awesome. :)