Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bo had a Birthday

Nothing like starting your day with a bunch of swats on your rear! Happy Birthday Bo, you're six!!

Bo's birthday was on Friday the 29th. He had been counting down the days till it would finally be his big day. We will have an official party for him next week with his friends. So as to not disappoint on the big day, we made sure to have all the fun stuff first thing in the morning. Of course, the tradional spanking, but more importantly....presents! There was only one thing he really wanted, Beyblades. This has been a come and go fad in our house and it's definitely back again. He had already gotten a few with birthday money he had gotten from his Grandparents, but he wanted more.

I had gotten him a pair of flip flops a long time ago, so those were in a bag and he had really wanted checkers for awhile so I got him that as well. Of course there were a few Beyblades, but he was really funny in opening his gifts. First was the flip flops...dig in, pull them out, toss backwards with the words "let me try a different one!" He knew I wouldn't disappoint. Finally the bag with Beyblades, sweet relief.

I was super lucky that at Enrichment the night before, they had left over cupcakes so I got to take home ones for my kids. When I had asked Bo the day before what special treat he might like for his birthday, he shrugged and said "maybe just some fruit snacks." I tried to expand his mind a little and suggested maybe a cake or cupcakes and he jumped on the cupcakes, so this whole thing worked out perfectly!

Bo is truly just a nice and sweet boy. His smile is contagious and he still loves snuggle time with me, what more could a mom want? He's super smart and slightly stubborn. I guess that combination can work out to be a good one someday! We love Bo and as his mom, my wish is this: Stop growing up!!

PS - later that day, Katy came to me just sad and sobbing "Bo says he's six!" I confirmed that he was and she kept insisting he wasn't. I explained that on your birthday your number goes up one, just like hers did. She kept protesting "but he's still in kindergarten!" I have no idea why this concept upset her so much, but she did not want to concede to him being six. Maybe she doesn't want him to grow up either. Ü

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Happy Birthday Bo! I can't believe that the boy who shared his "skills' with us in nursery is now 6. What a big boy!