Bo graduated from kindergarten!! No surprise there, he IS a genius after all. Kindergarten programs are one of the few that I actually like going to. They are all adorable and it's usually short, perfect. They get little hats and these nifty little "books" with their picture and a certificate in it. He's more than ready to head to first grade and a full day at school. And just as a side note, not to brag..I know lots of kids are ahead of the pack...but in his final spelling McCall testing, he's at a 3.6 grade level. Brilliant I tell ya!! Ü
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Kindergarten Graduation for Bo
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Almost like Christmas
Our cruise is coming up and I'm so excited!! However, it feels a little like Christmas. So much excitement and preparation, but's going to be over. I love having something to look forward to, to plan for. Actually, a week after we get back from our cruise, we are taking the kids to California to camp on the beach. And during the week between, we have scout camp, girls camp and a backpacking trip. Then it will be Annie performances, Fourth of July camping trip and then only a couple of weeks till school starts. Sure makes it seem like the summer should fly by, doesn't it? I have to say I'm starting to get nervous about summer. My kids vary way too much in age range to make this easy. What do teenage boys do during the summer? Mine have turned into couch potatoes. I wouldn't even mind too much if the things they watched were anywhere near appropriate for the little children. Clarification on that, they like to watch history shows about war and Myth Busters and knife throwing competitions....not inappropriate, but not good for little ones.
It's too hot to spend much time outside and even when we go to the pool, they are happy for a short amount of time before they get bored and want to come home. I'm thinking...JOBS. If only it were that easy. Stephen is still too young to actually be hired and even if Nick gets a job, I have to take him back and forth. Definitely going to have to be thinking on that one.
On a brighter note, I get to go to Bunko for the first time in months! Exercise class is still going well and did I mention.... I'm going on a cruise!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
♪I throw my hands up in the air sometimes...♫ That's a great song, but today I mean it in a completely different way. Sometimes it just feels like you are banging your head against a wall when trying to teach and raise your kids. I know that more seeps in than they let on, but you have to wonder.... I don't believe anything is beyond "hope", but there are definitely times I feel like I want to just throw my hands up and say "I give up." "I'm exhausted." My brain and my heart cannot take anymore. I sincerely apologize to my parents for being such a pain in the butt as a teenager and thinking that I knew more than they did. I now see how insanely STUPID that is. I'm sure once the dust settles, I'll be able to pull up my boot straps and continue on, but for today...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
All Three!
I missed Whitley's and Stephen's choir concert this Thursday. It's no big secret that choir concerts are not my favorite, but when you miss the big stuff it's a real bummer. Stephen had a little solo, which he never mentioned. But the real disappointment is that I missed him getting the Spirit Award that his classmates voted for him to receive. This is especially awesome because Whitley got this same award her freshman and sophomore year and Chelsey got the Outstanding Choir Student her sophomore year as well. Choir has been so amazing for my kids. I have seen so much growth both in talent and self in all of them as they have participated in choir. So proud! (I have full intentions of making Stephen dress up in his tux for a picture with his award.)
Can she really be FAST and SLOW at the same time?
This was the question little Katy asked about a line in Hairspray awhile back. This describes my week. It felt endless until it was Friday night and then I wondered where the week went! Is that possible??
This was the first week of my exercise group at the church. We met 3x and had at least 6 people there each time. One day eight. I feel like it went pretty well. It's awkward to be responsible for trying to make everyone happy. Turns out the circuit workout was the most liked. That's super easy as well, so that's good. I was really sore after Monday, still hobbling Wednesday, totally fine by Friday and only slightly sore today (Saturday). I'm sure it's like all things, you get out of it what you put into it. I feel like as long as I'm going to be there, I may as well work hard. Hopefully I will start to see a little muscle sometime in the near future. My elbow isn't feeling as well as I'd like but hopefully it won't get any worse. I only ran one time this week but it was pretty good. The weather has been beautiful!
The only real negative about the classes is that it takes up pretty much my whole morning. It's hard to accomplish very much. Thursday I determined to get a lot done and I did. It was great and a little bit of a workout in itself!
Tuesday started with a trip to the ortho with Rhett. It's amazing how fast teeth straighten! Then that night we had our mother/daughter fashion show at the church. Due to some scheduling conflicts we had to have it outside. It was really windy and a bit chilly. I was asked to emcee the event. It was a little challenging with no sound system, but I think it was Ok. The girls all had a good time. I didn't take a single picture.
Thursday we had Annie practice so I had to miss Whitley and Stephen's choir concert. I was really bummed. Glade was able to go so that's at least some consolation.
Friday after class, mom and I went for our Mother's Day outing. That weekend was a little busy so we did it today. We went for lunch at Costa Vida then had yogurt and Yogurt Jungle and then pedicures. I hope I can always be able to just spend the day with Mom and feel so comfortable. I love that we are friends and hope I have that same bond with my girls. Love you Mom!!
That night Glade and I went out, nothing special..but I really like him! Stephen and Rhett went on a leadership camp out. Nick and Whitley went to two different parties while Brooklyn held down the fort. Today was spent at Annie rehearsal. I don't get to dance much in this one, but I guess that's the trade off for being the "loving couple" with Glade during two of the numbers. I'll sacrifice!
So my answer is YES .... it can be SLOW and FAST at the same time!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Today I Love My Family
OK, so I love them everyday, but some days more than others. I have learned that it's mostly a frame of mind. If you choose to see the good and be an active participant in making the good, it usually turns out to be pretty GOOD. For today:
Seeing my teenager "try" to walk beside me at school even though I know it's pure torture for him. I was touched.
Watching a grouchy, 10 year old face turn from grumpy to giggling as he falls for the old "see food" joke.
Hugging a teenager just a few seconds longer than normal and then hearing "I love you Mom."
Listening to a six year old do crazy good math and just beam when you tell him how smart he is.
Catching a glimpse of your 11 year old and thinking "wow, she's really pretty."
Rocking out to a little Bon Jovi with your teenage girl, a bond we will now have forever.
Telling your 13 year old NO to a computer turn 3 times and having him except it cheerfully.
Having a tiny little arm draped across your neck as she sleeps next to you in the middle of the day.
Hearing your college girls ringtone a couple of times in one day. (and she's not asking for money)
Singing "popcorn popping" really loudly for family home evening.
Looking out the window and seeing a 4 and 6 year old swinging together.
Fixing your familiy's favorite dinner with three kids sitting on the counter while you do
Overhearing that your teenage girl told her brother that I told her she was my favorite. I guess there's a new code that because I said "see ya hon" I really meant "you're my favorite".
Hearing the words "I need help" from a 16 year old.
Getting multiple kisses through a window as you're trying to drive away.
I'm sure many more days could have been as good as this one, but today I wanted it to be good and I kept my mind and heart in a place to see and appreciate the little things. I believe, in return, they reacted to my positivity and so I got even more little things. I'm seeing too many people I love and that are close to me, going through really tough and scary times. Divorce, falling away from their beliefs, division among parents and children.... It makes me heartsick and scared at the same time. When all is said and done, it's up to me to be happy and strong. Once I'm in a good place I can reach out to those around me and help them as well. I want my kids to count on me and feel safe and happy in our home. Ultimately, that's my responsibility. It starts with me being grateful...and I am.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Another Project
I just can't be without a project!! My running days are coming to end (for now), it's just too dang hot. However, as a little side note, I ran this morning and it sucked. I was hot and had to walk 3x during my 3.5 mile run. Then when I got home and plugged in my trusty iPod, it said that my first mile was 9:26 and my second was 9:36. No wonder I was tired! I've been running closer to 10's lately so that's faster than normal. Made me feel better about the whole thing. Ü But back to my new project.
Because I want to keep "moving", but can't run like I have been, I've decided to start an exercise group at the church a few mornings a week. I have enjoyed doing videos and weights and circuit training, but I know as my house fills up with kids over the summer, I won't be very likely to stick to it. My idea was that if I had people waiting on me, I would go and get it done. I'm mostly nervous because I have absolutely no training whatsoever. All I can do is lead them in the stuff I've seen other people do. For me the goal is to keep moving. As long as your heart rate is up you're doing something positive. I just don't want anyone to come with high expectations and leave disappointed. I have no idea how many will show up or stick to it, but at least it's a period of time for me to stick to it until no one else is! My intent at this point is to spend the summer getting stronger and keeping my endurance up but run every chance I get when I'm out of this heat. (vacations etc.) Hopefully then I won't gain the same 6 lbs I did last summer!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Quitter Philosophy
I'm sure this is not a popular philosophy, but it's worked with my family so far. At least in the realms of music. It's no big secret that I'm not a very disciplined person, therefore it makes it difficult to insist on my kids being that way. Of course, we encourage them to be, but I'm not good at making them be. That takes a lot of discipline!! So far, all of my kids who are old enough have played some sort of musical instrument. Chelsey, Nick and Rhett played Viola, Stephen and Brooklyn played the cello and Whitley played the flute. Notice they all end in -ed. Brooklyn is actually still playing, but the rest have quit. Stephen would have continued, but the orchestra teacher was awful, no seriously...awful woman. Chelsey had to choose between viola and choir. She chose choir. Whitley just never quite got the hang of flute and really loved to sing anyway. Nick hated it from day one. Rhett is Rhett.
Now, I believe that if you start finish it. We have kept to that rule, but if you don't want to continue, then you don't have to. There are only a few things that I feel are so beneficial in life that it's worth constant struggle and contention. Playing an instrument isn't one of them. What brings this on today is that Rhett is now trying to get the orchestra teacher ( a new one) to let him start taking again. He hasn't played for a year. What I believe is that if I would have insisted on him sticking with it, we would have spent a lot of time fighting and he wouldn't be begging to start again. Chelsey, Whitley, Stephen and Brooklyn have all taught themselves to play the piano. Very basic mind you, but they enjoy sitting and figuring out songs that are fun to them. It's been great to have soft music being played from the other room. No banging, actual music. Stephen, Whitley and Chelsey have all gotten very involved in choir which has been a great blessing to them in many ways. So thus far they have all stayed close to music, just in different ways then what we had intended or pre-planned for them.
I know everyone places a different level of importance on things and I'm not saying this works for all kids, but for us...letting it be a choice has worked well. I want them to love music, but I want them to love it on their terms.
Monday, May 9, 2011
My REAL Mother's Day
I heard a woman say how much she hated Mother's Day because everyone told stories of their perfect mom's who never raised her voice and made all their prom dresses and always had a fresh loaf of bread waiting for them. She said she always felt like a failure on Mother's Day. Well, here's a look at how my Mother's Day actually went:
Woke up at 9, had a beautiful vase of roses waiting for me in the kitchen along with an already made breakfast of french toast, sausage and chocolate milk. I first helped myself to a few nibbles of the chocolate cake I bought for myself! The kids (most) had given me hand made cards and coupons and fun stuff like that. I loved all of it.
After breakfast, clean up assignments were made. A short time later, I went to see how things were going. What I walked into was Dalin loading the dishwasher in a very inefficient manner with a huge puddle of water between the sink and the dishwasher. I tried to show him how to get this done more quickly with less mess. As I turned to leave, I notice Brooklyn stooped down cleaning up the 5 broken eggs she just knocked to the ground. I gasp as I see her walk from the pile of mess to the garbage can with egg dripping the whole way. I yell to her to bring the garbage over this way because she was making a bigger mess and turn around to find Bo tromping right through the broken eggs. I grab him and yell for him to stop! As I'm trying to clean his feet, I ask impatiently, "what are you doing?!" He says he didn't notice 5 broken eggs in the middle of the floor. At this point I remove myself from the kitchen to take a breather.
Because we all had worn our Sunday clothes the previous day to the funeral, I suspected some might not be as clean as they should be. Stephen says he started a load with his in it. We have just over an hour before church starts and he just started it. In trying to make a long story short, he started it on the longest wash cycle there is and then was mad that I tried to teach him about the speed cycle. "I know how to do it!" is what I get. I fix it and go about getting ready for church.
I had slipped Bo's clothes into the wash with Stephen's. I went to get them out only to find the dryer hanging open with damp clothes hanging half way out. Stephen had gotten his and just left the dryer in mid cycle. I removed the soaking wet jeans he had put in with the whites and restarted it hoping it would be dry in the next 10 minutes. In the meantime, I wanted Bo to get his hair, teeth, socks and shoes on so we could throw his clothes on and leave. Well, Bo didn't want to. So it was a matter of pulling the dead weight off the ground to comb his hair and wash his face. The whole time with pouting lips and threats of spankings. We arrived at church 2 minutes late.
After an enjoyable sacrament meeting, Chelsey showed up (she went to a single's ward) and informed me we needed to leave right now to get her to her roommates house so they could leave back to Flagstaff. I wasn't thrilled seeming how church wasn't over. She had been a crying mess all weekend so my irritation with this turn of events brought on more tears. We left, packed her up and headed into town.... with an empty gas tank. Yes, my thoughtful daughters drove around all weekend and left me with an empty tank. We got gas and went along our way. As we get closer to the gas station we are meeting at, the girl tells Chelsey that she is running late and that the other boy they are taking (who lives farther than we do) hasn't even left yet. So, I take her to my mom's so she's not sitting on a sidewalk for 45 minutes alone. As I had assumed when this all went down, I could have finished church and still gotten her there in plenty of time.
After church, Glade made mac and cheese just as I had requested. Of course, I prefaced it with more chocolate cake. Around 5 Katy insisted on taking a nap. I laid down with her only to be constantly interrupted by the screaming of a six year old who was being terribly mistreated by his brothers. "It's not fair! I wanted that one!" Yes, Beyblades were now the source of tears and yelling and slammed doors. I gave up the thought of a nap and went to try to establish peace in the land (and get more cake). My mom called so we talked for awhile until she needed to leave. I called Joanne and wished her a happy Mother's Day and talked with her for a bit as well.
Now I was getting tired and really ready to just crawl into bed with my book. Oh, I forgot to mention...the night before, I think I got bit by something on my head. I spent the whole day with a headache of shooting pain through my scalp. It was a little freaky. Anyway, I took some Advil and started to head to bed. Oops, there was Katy, still asleep in my bed at 8 pm. I changed her into PJ's and tucked her into her own bed. Bo was ready so I kissed them both goodnight and headed back to my bed.
I realized I hadn't read the sort of long card Whitley had made me yet (it was 4 pages). I picked it up and started to read. She had written several quotes about mother's and then elaborated on why those quotes were special to her. It was beautiful. She related stories and advice I had given her that I cannot even remember but said she would never forget. It was really special and I will treasure it always. Not moments after reading that, I got a text from my sad and upset college girl. We texted for almost 45 minutes about life and why things weren't exactly as she would like them to be. Although I was tired and longing to lose myself in my book, it warmed my heart that as she lay crying in her bed three hours away, it was her Mom she wanted to talk to.
I only read a few pages before I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I turned out the light and lay reflecting on the day. My head still hurt, my tummy was protesting all the chocolate cake I ate, my house was a mess, dishes never got done, my daughter was sad a long way away and the kids upstairs were far from "getting ready for bed". But, amidst all the "real life", was a deep satisfaction. I'm a mom. My kids are healthy and strong and pretty much normal. My husband adores me. I was told one extra time that they love me. I'm pretty sure the word need was even slipped in there. It wasn't a perfect day of bliss and love and peace by any stretch, but it was a day that reminded me that I have it pretty darn good.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Prom 2011
Prom was this weekend and both Whitley and Nick were able to attend, in the same group too! Whitley was asked by her friend Chris and Nick asked his friend Mary. They had ten kids in their group altogether. To help keep costs down, we offered to have the dinner at our house. Each one of the mom's provided part of meal. They are such good kids and were fun to have around.
While they ate dinner, we went to get pizza for the other kids. Leslie's daughter Britt went with one of the boys in our ward, so they came and spent the evening with us while they went to the dance. After the kids had dinner and left for the dance..Leslie, Christian, Glade and I all went to dinner. It was a Mother's Day date planned by the boys. In a spirit of good clean fun, we sort of manipulated the boys into agreeing to watch a Twilight Marathon. We didn't really want to, we just wanted to see how much they really loved us. They do!! It was really fun to hang out and wait for our kids to come home. It's only slightly painful that we remember it being US at the prom oh-so-NOT-long-ago. Nick and Mary Heywood
Nick, Mary, Chris, Whitley, Britt, Louis and Hans (they hadn't gotten his date yet)
Louis Spencer and Britt Woolf
Whitley and Chris Long
Nick and Whitley
Britt and Whitley
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day!! Some years I'm all about the sentiment and the hoopla of the holidays, other years...I'm just not. This was one of those years. With all that has been going on with the passing of Joy and her funeral this weekend and the kids having prom, I've just had no time to actually think too much about it. We have been gone all weekend and at this point, spending the day in my jammies was really the only thing that sounded good to me. So, I know it's selfish, but that was my request. No big family dinner, no special plans, just me, my family, a big pot of mac and cheese and a chocolate cake. Perfect!!
The morning started with sleeping in till 9, then having french toast and sausage made by my sweet hubby. There was a big vase of roses at the table with all the cute cards and coupons from my kids just waiting for me. Simple and sweet. We went to church, where I had to leave early to take Chelsey to get picked up to go back to Flagstaff. It's still hard for me to let her be a big kid, but that's a whole nother post. After church, Glade made the mac and cheese and then we are just chilling the rest of the day. As for the chocolate cake. That was the first thing to enter my body today. And the third and the fifth....I think you get the idea! Katy did this for me on Friday. She said she always knew exactly what I wanted for Mother's Day. Yes, Katy, one more reminder is exactly what I wanted! I love her.
I have several great women in my life that have loved me and been such great support as I've raised my family. I was not the doting daughter I should have been this day, but please know that I love you and appreciate you all SO much! I know how blessed I am. With all the sincerity of my heart, I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Steel Guitar
I love music. All types of music. Well, Ok...I hate gangsta rap and seriously heavy metal and choir music, but other than that I pretty much like everything. It all serves a purpose. Some makes me want to dance, others run...some makes me want to sing and some sit outside and feel the breeze on my face. Today the steel guitar is my love. You know when you are just going about your business in total normalcy and then a song comes on and it stops you in your tracks? The familiar and homey sound of that old style country steel guitar just sent a big sigh of "awww" right to my heart. That's the sound of love, of slow dancing and gazing into the eyes of the one you love. It just a completely pure and classic sort of way. Some may say I'm a little too in touch with my emotions or even a little sappy, but I'm glad that's part of who I am. It's that part that gives me warm and fuzzy "five minutes" every so often. And those "five minutes" make all the others just a bit more enjoyable.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Letter to Always
I read this a few years ago and was recently reminded of it. I found it humorous although a bit edgy. Please don't be offended.
Dear Mr. Thatcher,
I have been a loyal user of your Always maxi pads for over 20 years, and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core™ or Dri-Weave™ absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.
Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered from "the curse"? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my "time of the month" is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call "an inbred hillbilly with knife skills." Isn't the human body amazing?
As brand manager in the feminine-hygiene division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customers' monthly visits from Aunt Flo. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy! The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in capri pants. Which brings me to the reason for my letter.
Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: "Have a Happy Period."
Are you freaking kidding me?
What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness—actual smiling, laughing happiness—is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there will never be anything "happy" about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlúa and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreens armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory. For crying out loud, pull your head out, man. If you just have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like "Put Down the Hammer" or "Vehicular Manslaughter Is Wrong"? Or are you just picking on us?
Sir, please inform your accounting department that, effective immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flexi-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bullcrap. And that's a promise I will keep. Always.
Wendi Aarons
Austin, TX
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I run, therefore I RUN
I like to think I'm a very able and capable person. I have big plans for things I think I can do. If I don't think I can do it, I don't even consider it. (I'm a bad loser) Running a marathon has never even been a temptation for me. Even people I know that run well say the marathon sucks. It's hard and they hurt and they cry. Hello? I'm a wuss, not a marathon runner. Well I must be desperate for a vacation or just plain out of my mind because when Glade mentioned running the St. George marathon in October, I actually thought... maybe I could do that. I haven't run steadily (or at all) for almost 2 months. At this point, it's almost like starting over. Starting over sucks. AND, its only getting hotter! But, I want to run... I like to run... I wish I was running. So in a blurred state of mind, I somewhat agreed to sign up with him. The beauty is this - so many people want to run St. George that you sign up, but then your name has to be drawn. If you know me at all, you know I never win or get picked for anything. So reality says I'm safe and I'm not actually going to be committed to a 26.2 mile run. But just in case, I printed out a training program.
Today at 5:54 am I got out of bed and donned my running clothes. I stepped out into a slight chill (thank you!) and started out for my 3.5 mile run. I ran with Glade the other day and was fairly pleased with how well it went. Today I had decided to just get it done and not worry about time yet. Just get the miles in. I'm not sure what it looks like when a sweaty forty year old woman walking down a dirt road suddenly does a little jump and throws her hands in the air, but that's the scene I created this morning. I ran the whole thing and when I checked my time, my average pace was 9:48 min/miles!! Sub 10s and I haven't hardly run at all. Maybe I could do a marathon...
May 2 aka Cinco de Mayo
In an effort to expand our cultural horizons, we decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo for FHE. I know, it's only May 2nd, but Thursday isn't really a good day for this. We had grand ideas of a Mexican fiesta...tacos, salsa, chicken enchiladas, pinatas, candy...the whole nine yards. I dream bigger than I do. We did have tacos and even made salsa, but that's about as far as that went. I never got around to finding a pinata so I was going to put the "questions" (part of the FHE game) into balloons and have them pop the balloons instead of breaking a pinata. Well...I forgot to buy the balloons. I went to the store and everything! Plan C..hmmm...what is plan C? Stephen and Whitley had created three questions for each family member to answer in order to get their candy. Not very fun to just sit around and answer questions. I'm sure this is a long forgotten tradition in Mexico: throw a penny into a shallow bowl and get it to stay in. Yep, I'm sure I read that somewhere. So that's what we did, once you got a penny to stay in the bowl, you got to answer a question and if you got it right (with help from everyone around you)... candy!
Ok, so I'm not that creative and it really wasn't Cinco de Mayo-ish at all, but... right before bed, Katy crawled on my lap and said she really had fun at Family Home Evening tonight. She said she liked throwing the pennies into the bowls and eating candy. She even learned something new: you have to be 8 to be baptized. (how did she not know that already?) Anyway, Happy Cinco de Mayo.. may all your tacos be tasty!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
the Brady Bunch came to dinner
Last night we had a nice Sunday dinner with just our family. Pork chops were on sale so we treated ourselves. I made potatoes, corn casserole, rolls, was divine. Later, after dinner, Bo came to ask me if there were any POOK chops left. Now, first of all..Bo is a serious carnivore. He loves meat. I mean LOVES meat! So him asking for more is always amusing anyway, but for POOK chops? I told him no and explained they were pork chops. He was bummed but went away and we didn't hear from him again. Later that night, while trying to sleep, I was thinking about the pook chops. Then it occurred to me...I know why he said that! Every time he would ask me what I was making for dinner, I would say "pork chops and applesauce" in my best Peter Brady imitation. Well to a kid who doesn't get pork chops very often, it would probably sound like "pook" chops. I kinda like it, maybe we'll always have pook chops at our house. Long live the Brady's!
Things I Like
Some of my favorite things are:
*a bite of chocolate followed by a swig of coke
*Fresh nails
*my birthday
*all the chairs scooted up to the table
*a breeze blowing in the same direction as the part in my hair
*Making several of the jewels on my flip flops sparkle at the same time
*running farther than I thought I could
*my bed
*seeing "MTLF" show up on my phone
*getting a shopping cart that pushes straight
*porch swings
*driving up to my house
*a little head on my shoulder
*seeing rows of jars lined up on a shelf
*having a trip or event to look forward to
*staying in jammies all day
*eating whipped cream all by itself
I think I could go on and on, but I'll stop there! Ü
Today in History
My mixed emotions: Yeah! No more Bin Laden!! Ouch. He's still human. It's one of those days you weren't sure would ever come and now that it has, it's not what you thought it would be. Obviously it's a relief to not have him be on the loose anymore. However, all the "rot in Hell's" make me a little uncomfortable. I'm just going to say this, we don't know his judgment. For all we know, he was taught from the time he was two to kill and plot and do all manner of evil. Only God knows his circumstances and I'm glad I'm not the one to determine his fate. Yes, it's a historical day.... but it really means very little. Terrorism hasn't ended, violent and mean groups still exist. I hope that this doesn't consume our society for very long; the scriptures say to forgive and love your enemy. I'm not saying that's easy or even possible right now, but encouraging the hate and gruesome "remarks/jokes" isn't good for any one. It's done, there's some let's move on.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Bo had a Birthday
Nothing like starting your day with a bunch of swats on your rear! Happy Birthday Bo, you're six!!
Bo's birthday was on Friday the 29th. He had been counting down the days till it would finally be his big day. We will have an official party for him next week with his friends. So as to not disappoint on the big day, we made sure to have all the fun stuff first thing in the morning. Of course, the tradional spanking, but more importantly....presents! There was only one thing he really wanted, Beyblades. This has been a come and go fad in our house and it's definitely back again. He had already gotten a few with birthday money he had gotten from his Grandparents, but he wanted more.
I had gotten him a pair of flip flops a long time ago, so those were in a bag and he had really wanted checkers for awhile so I got him that as well. Of course there were a few Beyblades, but he was really funny in opening his gifts. First was the flip flops...dig in, pull them out, toss backwards with the words "let me try a different one!" He knew I wouldn't disappoint. Finally the bag with Beyblades, sweet relief.
I was super lucky that at Enrichment the night before, they had left over cupcakes so I got to take home ones for my kids. When I had asked Bo the day before what special treat he might like for his birthday, he shrugged and said "maybe just some fruit snacks." I tried to expand his mind a little and suggested maybe a cake or cupcakes and he jumped on the cupcakes, so this whole thing worked out perfectly!
Bo is truly just a nice and sweet boy. His smile is contagious and he still loves snuggle time with me, what more could a mom want? He's super smart and slightly stubborn. I guess that combination can work out to be a good one someday! We love Bo and as his mom, my wish is this: Stop growing up!!
PS - later that day, Katy came to me just sad and sobbing "Bo says he's six!" I confirmed that he was and she kept insisting he wasn't. I explained that on your birthday your number goes up one, just like hers did. She kept protesting "but he's still in kindergarten!" I have no idea why this concept upset her so much, but she did not want to concede to him being six. Maybe she doesn't want him to grow up either. Ü
Taking the Fall
I guess it happens to everyone at some point. You know...when you fall from the pedestal you weren't even aware you were standing on. Kinda sucks. I was trying to retell a funny story to some people and in the story the lady says "Who in the H*LL ever thought that was a good idea?!" I actually said the word, albeit quietly, but Stephen was right there and he was mortified. I brushed off his reprimand and continued the conversation I was having. A little later, while loading up in the van to leave, I find Stephen crying. What the heck? He proceeded to tell me how disappointed he was to hear me say that. That I have always said swearing isn't funny and yet I said it in a funny story. I was a hypocrite.
I honestly felt really bad, you can't take stuff like that back. I apologized that I didn't use better judgment but the damage had already been done. I was actually a little irritated by the whole thing because I really don't swear. I don't even swear in my head! So now I had a bad rap for something I don't even do. Except I did. So...lesson learned. There are no exceptions. If we don't swear, we don't swear. I'm sure he's forgiven me, but it doesn't change his slightly tinged view of his mother he has now. Hopefully he learned a lesson as well, even parents make mistakes and have room for improvement.