I mopped. Seems like it should be a normal household task, no biggie, but I hate mopping! Weirdly, I would rather swish a hot towel along my entire floor with my foot than actually mop. I'm pretty sure the first is more work. Anyway, I did it...my floor is clean. For now. I'm sure by bedtime at least 3 things will have been dripped or spilled on it.
I also washed my car. Sorry to all of you who have had to ride in my dust buggy. It's now clean. For now. I live on a dirt road after all. Both my little ones shrieked with excitement when we came upon our "shiny" car.
I made two very scrumptious pumpkin pies yesterday. Sadly, my family doesn't like pumpkin pie. Now, one might argue more for me! That would be great if I had the metabolism of a 17 year old. But I don't. So there's no one to truly appreciate my made from scratch pumpkin pie.
Lastly, I'm sick. I sneezed uncontrollable yesterday and now it's all in my chest. I'm a big wimp. I slept with the vaporizer and Vicks rubbed all over. My poor husband. I blame him that I'm sick anyway. I went to bed at 7:45 last night. I watched a DVR'd episode of Little House and went to dreamland. It's hard to run when you are sick. Always seems to be an obstacle. Race in 5 weeks from tomorrow! Terribly excited.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Mop till ya Drop
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Illinois - Manary Get Together 2009
The very first day back was our get together with my mom's side of the family. We met at my cousin Amanda's house and had a potluck dinner in their "garage". The plan was to be outside, but right as we were pulling up, it started snowing. Yeah!! It was only flurries, but it was cold! The kids had a great time running around in the big yard feeling the chill. All my cousins were there but three. One is in Germany so she is forgiven! I love my family. I only see them once every couple of years, but these are the people I spent the most time with while I was growing up and I have a sincere soft spot in my heart for them. Even my Uncle Brian was there who I haven't seen in years. What a great day. My wonderful Grandma Bea with Chelsey, Cassie, Sherri, Amanda and myself.
This has been the laziest week I've had in awhile. I just can't get motivated to do anything. Sadly, I've been in my jammies all day right up until the time I have to go get kids (2pm). Bo has had half days all week which means he is home by about 10:20. That doesn't really leave any time in the mornings to go anywhere so I don't. I walk on my sticky floor and think "I should mop", but I haven't. I did put some laundry away. That was mainly because Glade had been gone for two days and I didn't want him to come home to the same piles he left.
Yesterday was parent/teacher conferences. They all went mostly good. Other than Dalin's little suspended episode. Did I ever blog about that? Anyway, Monday I had a little heart to heart with Stephen's ball coach asking him to clarify something he had said to Stephen that really crushed him. I ended up crying like a baby. I'm sure he thinks I'm a whack job, but I just cry when I talk about my kids!!
Last night was pack meeting. My first of not being the CubMaster. It went really well. My only complaint is the man who was leading the meeting continuously makes fat jokes about himself. He's a rather large man. Before the meeting was over, Dalin joined in and quietly made a fat joke as well, or agreed with his or something. I hate that. How'm I supposed to teach my kids to be kind and non-judgemental when you are up there laughing about how fat you are? Frustrating. Good episode of BL after that. I need to do better.
Today I did some meat and processed the pumpkin I did last Thursday. I guess I didn't leave enough headspace in the pumpkin cuz it kind of exploded when I took the ring off. What a sticky mess. Plus it burned my finger and toe. I ended up making two pies out of it. Live and learn. When I got up from my nap I found Bo like this. He's a great kid.
Tonight is Stephen's last baseball game, of course we are still having record high temps right now. I'll be glad to be done with that. Brooklyn's birthday is tomorrow. She's not having a party until next weekend. Chelsey is for sure coming back this weekend. It's going to be a busy one, but I'll be so happy to have her around. Looks like the pool on Saturday. Suppose to be 109. I hate Arizona. On that note.....Maybe I'll go try a slice of my pumpkin pie!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Beautiful Chorus
Driving home, a song came on the radio that reminded me of a very sweet moment this summer. We were driving back from 4th of July camping, and a song came on the radio. Not a great or wonderful song, but it has a snappy little chorus. What was most beautiful were the 8 loud voices that came from behind me. As if planned and practiced, they all started belting out the lyrics. I'm pretty sure even Nick and Katy were in on this one. It was just a moment of unity and peace and FUN! What mother does not relish one of those moments??
"Beautiful Girls...all over the world...I could be chasin but my time would be wasted...They got nothing on You baby....Nothing on you baby..."
Those goofy lyrics will always put a smile on my face!
After Whitley saw this post, she whipped out her phone. She recorded it when everyone was singing. I can't find a way to just put a wav file in here :(
Monday, September 27, 2010
Just Like the Others
This is my sweet little Bo and my wonderful daughter Chelsey. What? You don't see her? She is on speaker phone reading scriptures with Bo. This has become a fairly regular occurrence for the two of them. When the phone rings in the middle of the day, he yells "Chelsey!!" Both little ones love to talk to her. Sometimes Katy will play the piano for her or just carry her around the house blabbering about nothing. I love it. She is teasing us about coming home this weekend for Conference. I'll try not to get my hopes up till it's official, but I would love it.
This weekend was as crazy as the rest have been. Saturday I woke up early and headed out for my training. I decided biking sucks because there's too much to worry about. Had a flat tire, had to change it (Nick did), wrong pedals, my butt hurts!, and it's stressful to worry about falling or getting hurt. However, I did it. I rode 9.5 miles and THEN, this is the great part...I ran two miles at 9:29 min/miles.!! Those would be good miles even if I hadn't just ridden 9.5 before it. I was beyond excited. I will have to doggie paddle my way through the swim, but I'm so looking forward to the rest.
That afternoon we had Women's Conference, which I always love. After, we met our husbands and went to dinner. I always love hanging out with good friends. It was a really great day.
Sunday was the Primary program at church. The kids did really well. Even Bo said his part, which before we left he told me he was going to change it. I told him he couldn't do that, but I was a little nervous as he went up. Family dinner was really nice, everyone was here. I married into a great family, I feel very blessed. Rewind to early Sunday morning. Jack came and stood outside my bedroom door. That's when I know he needs to go out. After I let him out, I focused more clearly and notice a path of diarrhea all the way around my wood and in the living room. I wanted to kill him! I started to clean it and got the mop out. I had to scrub cuz some had dried already. A couple kids poked their head out "mom, why do you have to mop so early?" Grrrr. That dog is so on my list. Lucky for me, the day just got better! And, in his defense, he does a pretty good job of protecting my chickens. Which, by the way, are giving me about 3 eggs a day now! Once my other three start laying...watch out!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Crazy train

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A Soft Heart
I was reminded kindly through an email gem that infrequent and unplanned home evenings might not be good enough. Guilty. So yesterday I spent some time on a lesson that I thought would be good. The basic gist was that our minds need tending to. They compared it to an empty lot that is easily left to collect trash and other unwanted items. In contrast, a yard that is planned out, tended to and constantly nourished is pretty and clean and enjoyable. So it is with our minds. We read a rather long section of scriptures where Alma has us take an inventory of our righteousness. It was really long and I was afraid I was losing them.
I was watching their faces and behavior to see how bad it was getting. Dalin started out playing with his belly button but not too far in, I felt like he was listening and even his facial expressions were intriguing me. I think I saw some emotion in there. Once the reading was done, I asked each person to say one thing they got out of it. Dalin was first. I have no idea what he said only that it came out in a little sob and tears seeped out of his eyes. I asked him why he was sad and he said he didn't know, it just came to him.
I explained about the Holy Ghost and how he was feeling that and how it's good to feel those things and that it's great that he can recognize when he may need to improve on some things. It made the entire night worth it and completely successful in my book. That is exactly what was meant by that little gem. What things are they missing because I don't plan or prepare? Dalin can be the rudest little snap and yet he has such a tender heart and is very willing to listen to the spirit. I love him.
I'm so grateful for the teachings of the church that help me to raise my kids with strength and direction. What a blessing to watch them have spiritual experiences. On a little humorous note, this morning during prayer, Rhett prayed that we would all plant a flower in our minds today and not throw cans in it. HAVE FAMILY HOME EVENING!!
For a little randomness - I forgot to mention a little incident that happened on Friday night. As we (Mom, Whitley and I) got to Borders, we decided to use the restroom. Three stalls, two open..Whitley waited. As soon as I sat down I realized there was no paper. Aww Man! Luckily my mother was right next door. I asked for some and she says "sure". Then proceeds to tell me she only has enough for her. Sounding familiar? So I say "what, you can't even spare a square?". The lady next to me says "I can spare a square, I have a square to spare." Now I'm totally dying. She hands me paper. When we were all out, the other lady and I were giggling about what had just happened and Mom and Whitley were clueless. So, of course, I clued them in. It was really quite funny.
Saturday ended up totally sucking. I spent most of the day in the car driving kids around in the 111 degree weather. No nap, not even some downtime. The one perk was a benefit yard sale I went to. I found a few treasures. One was a kitchen set for Katy. There was also a little apron I found separately. The kitchen was filled with dishes as well. She has played with that non-stop. I also got the boys a whole tin of marbles. Crazy, I know. I decided since I barely paid for them I wouldn't care if I threw them away every time I find them on the floor. They, too, have played with those marbles for 2 straight days. Nice!
Brooklyn had a little performance for activity days where she played her cello. She did a great job, all the girls did. Finally it was time for my date night!! Not. Glade was still not home and probably wouldn't be till after 7. So, I went anyway. In an effort to forget this horrid weather, I went and browsed around Kirklands and Joanne's to get the feel of fall. Then I met John and Tracie for dinner. I love that I have friends who don't feel weird having dinner with me even without my husband. It was a very nice couple of hours. Then, home to bed to end this day.
Sunday was nice, it was good to have Chelsey with us at church. The kids loved having her here. When it was time to go, we packed her a box of some fresh fruits and veggies and a few other treats and Glade took her to her drop off point. This time there were tears. Her, me, Bo, Katy and Brooklyn. The little ones more like clingyness and pouty lips. It was harder this time than it was before. I guess now I know what I'll be missing. She will be back in a month or so so I guess I can make it that far! Whitley is teaching herself to play a song on the piano sort of upside down. Not sure why, but she's actually pretty good at it.
I found this adorable elephant that Bo grabbed on to and has named him Elly.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wild Ride
About 36 hours ago I went to bed in tears, so angry about an unfortunate incident. Luckily for me, sleep does wonders for my attitude. Took Whitley to the doctors, she's having some weird symptoms. If you google them, it points to Lyme Disease. Doc says if her symptoms are still here in two weeks, he'll test her for it. Right now we're just hoping it's some virus working its way through her system. Side note on poor Whitley, she has been struggling with a situation that got out of control and finally (thanks to her seminary teacher) told her parents about it. Her boss was sending her inappropriate texts and telling other employees how her innocence intrigues him and he wants to take that from her. Gross. She finally went to the big boss after hearing another girl complaining about similar situations. He no longer works there. Whew!
A certain child who has taken about 3 months to finish a book (didn't actually finish it) was supposed to make a poster about it for his English class. When I received the email reminding that it was due in two day, I questioned said child who basically said he wasn't planning on doing it. After trying to keep my anger in check, I assured him he most certainly was and would do nothing else till it was done. Two days later, the day it was due, I had a sinking feeling about the whole thing. When he got home from school I asked how it went and wouldn't you know.....he forgot to finish it so he didn't turn it in. I asked to see it and there was basically a few lines drawn on the poster, no summary written, nothing. BUT he said the teacher gave him one more day to do it. What?? Needless to say said child is severely grounded for an undetermined amount of time and I contacted his teacher to make sure he did not get full credit. If he aced it (which he won't), the best he could get is a 50%. Seriously braindead.
Glade and the boys had a scout outing so mom, Whitley and I decided to do dinner and go to the mall. We were browsing around and low and behold...Chelsey!! She got a ride down to the valley to surprise us. She gets to stay till Sunday night. Very exciting!! The little ones are beyond excited to see her.
This morning I started training for the triathlon. After a very hairy experience trying to figure out CO2 cartridges, I finally got on the bike. Rode 7 miles in just over 28 min, then ran 1.5 miles in 14 min. I was so proud of myself. I felt like I was running slow cuz your legs feel kinda weird after biking but I was running right around 9 min miles most of the time, some times even under. Hot dog!!
Glade's truck "blew up" once he got to where they were camping so I'm not sure how he's getting home, but we are supposed to have a date night tonight and I'm very excited about that. Can one have so many emotions in such a short period of time?? Exhausting, I tell ya.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wisdom and Reality
Reality #1 - I will never be able to "not think about it" in regards to my weight. As soon as I stop thinking about it, I gain. I guess reality #2 could be that I'm a pig. I thought once I got to a comfortable weight, I could just go on living with no thought to it. That would be lovely and I'm sure there are some in this world who live that way. I cannot. With that said:
Reality #2 - (for me) There is really only one way to lose weight and keep it off. I fell in love with the HCG because it was really fast and targeted your torso. Reality is is that you have to do 6 weeks of maintenance after and I do not have that kind of commitment. No sugar or starches for 2 months is more that I can or want to put myself through. Hence, I gained back about half of what I lost on HCG.
Reality #3 - I like to eat and eat way too much. In an effort to lose the 8 lbs I gained back after HCG, I decided to go back to what worked in the first place, Weight Watchers. As always, it's such an eye opener to realize how badly my portions had gotten out of control. How many calories 5 cookies actually are. How much more food you can eat if you make smarter choices and exercise. How much better you feel when your food contains nutrients!
Wisdom - Eating right and exercise work. It's slower and requires a little more discipline, but I have never gained back any weight from this method. Patience is definitely not my strong point. But, when adding up the time spent on HCG and the true deprivation that comes with it, I could have eaten smartly and lost the same weight but not be having the yo-yo effect.
In actual reality I should probably lose another 15 lbs, but that would be hard and probably hard to maintain. I'm not looking to be "thin", just comfortable and capable and healthy. I needed the reality check right now to put things back in order for me. Winter will be much easier because working out will come more often and with less dread (the heat). As some wise old turtle once said "slow and steady wins the race."
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Red Rock Relay 2010
How does one even begin to describe such a hard but amazing experience? The Red Rock Relay started at the top of Brianhead ski resort and ended 186 miles later in Zion Canyon, Utah. Twelve members to a team, each runs 3 legs of the course running straight through the night. We finished in 31 hours and 13 minutes.
The adventure started on Thursday morning as we loaded up and headed to Cedar City, UT. The long drive provided opportunity for us to all get to know each other a little better and begin that bonding that happens when you do something hard together. We arrived just in time for a delicious dinner Kristine's mom had prepared for us. She also let us stay in her home. What an amazing woman she is. After checking in and picking up some last minute things at Wal Mart, we turned in for the night.
The Snow Van, which was us, had an early start the next morning. Up at 5:30 to head to the ski resort to start the race. It was cold! I think about 28 degrees. The first runner rode the ski lift to the top of the mountain and then ran 3 miles back to where we were. Crazy steep downhill. Glade was the third runner and I was the fourth. We both had a 7 mile downhill run to complete. Running downhill isn't as easy as everyone might imagine. It's very hard on your knees and feet. We ran through Bryce Canyon which was beautiful, but the altitude made it really difficult. I was able to finish my run with 10:12 min/miles. I was happy with that. My leg had a small hill to get to the transition which was killer after a long run like that.
Once our van had all run one time, we went back to the house, showered, ate, and took a short nap. I was the first runner of the next set. I was really concerned because my hip was killing me. I really wasn't even sure I could finish the 4 miles it was hurting so bad. I took a bunch of Motrin and went on my way. I was surprised at how much better it felt once I got running. This was my easiest run through Cedar City at a slight downhill. I finished with less than 10 min/miles. Glade got to run in the dark on a deserted desert road. I really got lucky in the runs I had.
Once we were done with the next set, we drove to an LDS church that functioned as the next van exchange and tried to get some sleep. We arrived there around 12:30 am and had to be running again at 4 am. People spread out on the lawn or slept in their cars. Very chaotic with vans showing up and leaving all time. I was able to sleep pretty well for a couple of hours. Glade was the first runner of this set. I was fourth again but was contemplating trading off my run for a shorter one or one later in the lineup. There was not one part of me that wanted to run again. I just wanted to sleep. By now, the soreness of my first run was setting in so my legs just ached and didn't want to move smoothly. I knew I would regret it if I didn't see it through so I went ahead with my last run as scheduled.
By about 5 am it was my turn. The sun hadn't come up yet so it was dark when I started. I had a 5 mile mostly downhill run. I got to run the length of the country club where High School Musical 2 was filmed. I was shocked at how great I felt! Part of that was because we were much lower in altitude so I could actually breathe. I knew there was about a one mile stretch of uphill at the end of my run, but I had no idea how uphill. I was thinking this may be one of my fastest runs until I got to the crossroads where I thought the uphill ended and I would now be going down into the city. Nope, the officer sent me straight up a killer hill. There was no way I could run it. Crazy! I walked at the fastest pace I could muster. My calves were burning. Once I got to the top I ran the last stretch to the transition. I still ended up with 11 min/miles even with the walking the mile uphill. That means my running was fast! I was glad I stuck with it and saw it through to the finish. I finished the race running 16 total miles.
Now that we were done, we went to the Trondo to shower and rest. (Trondo is a combination of a Trailer and a Condo) When it was time, we headed to Zion Canyon to watch our last runner come through the finish line. By then it had gotten really hot and the whole last van had really struggled through their runs. As we drove by the runners getting to the finish line, it was heart breaking. So many were beet red and sweating, walking instead of running. When we finally found Mark, our last runner, we all teared up to see that he was Ok and almost to the end. What an amazing journey to make with so many great people.
Once the race was complete, we went to fill our bellies with some good 'ole Texas Roadhouse. The last van still needed to shower so some of us girls did a little shopping at the Thai Pan Trading Co. It was good to keep walking. By this point, walking was a serious challenge. My legs were totally locking up and so sore. We got ice cream, took it back to the Trondo and had a little after race party where we all got "slunk". This is a new word we created to say "drunk from lack of sleep". At the time it was really funny, you know...sleep deprived, slap happy kind of humor. What a great day.
The next morning we got dressed for church and headed to what we thought was a family ward. Nope, seniors branch. We were quite the sight sitting there in the midst of seriously old people. They even acknowledged how great it was to see youth in the congregation. Too funny. We changed and headed back home. On the way home, we stopped at Chelsey's and she offered to make us all dinner, what a sweetheart. We were in a little bit of a hurry so we passed but it was good to see her. Upon arrival, we found a cute little note on the door and anxious kids. What a nice homecoming. There is always a little post-race depression after a big event. A little bit of "now what?". I'm constantly amazed at what great people we are so fortunate to get to experience. Doing hard things is so rewarding. Finish line: Mark Weech, Scott Brown, Glade, Laurie, Jill Brown, Yvette Weech, Jerel Campell, MaryAnn Wells, Boyce Campbell, Kristine Garner, Charlotte Bain and April Marchant. AKA - the Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Student of the Month
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Big Steps
This has been a week full of big steps. I'll keep it short and to the point.
Bo missed his first day of school (fever and sore throat). He really struggled with not being able to go to school. Luckily it only lasted one day. I'm saying extra lucky cuz I think I'm getting it.
Katy kept piggy tails in for almost 4 whole hours!!
I took Whitley and Nick driving for the first time. Ok, Whitley has been one other time. She is so nervous, she can't do anything very smoothly. I think I need to take her to a big empty field and let her turn at will to get the feeling of the car correcting itself. Maybe then she can relax a little. She came home in tears. Nick did really well. I expected no less. Other than they both try to drive with both feet, it was a good experience.
Nick kissed a girl. I would like to think it was his first, but I'm thinking not. Both Whitley and Stephen saw him kiss her outside the bus and ratted him out. I would hate to think that was his first kiss, outside a bus with everyone watching. Anyway, he's thoroughly embarrassed that we all know.
Rhett suffered his first experience of not making the team. He tried out for basketball with about 40 other boys and didn't make it. It was heartbreaking, for I remember being that one. I assured him we have all experienced that at some time or another but we don't quit trying things. It doesn't make it feel any better.
Lastly, I let Whitley go spend the weekend in Flagstaff with Chelsey. Our old Bishop and his wife were heading up there and offered a ride. She was beyond excited. She left yesterday and won't be home till Monday. Chelsey took her to an institute dance last night and will show her around the college today. I'm glad they get a chance to see each other again. It was much needed.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Battle of Wills
This little darling is a pill. Her hair is finally (barely) long enough to put into a ponytail. Unfortunately she hates anything in her hair. It looks awful most of the time. I have found that her hair usually looks better if I just brush it because if I try to do something with it, she yanks it out later and then she has pony bumps or clip dents, etc.
Today she put on a shirt she found somewhere tucked away from last winter. I liked the shirt when I bought it, but not so much on her. She wore it anyway. Now it's too small and it's a winter shirt. I asked her to change and she really really wanted to wear this shirt. It was quickly becoming a battle. I tried another tactic. I told her if she was going to wear that shirt, I wanted her hair done cute, like a ponytail. I offered to get her a different shirt if she didn't want a ponytail, but she was insistent on wearing it. She somewhat agreed to the pony until I actually got it in. Then she started rolling around rubbing her head. I redid it and threatened her with a swat on her rear if she did it again. She was mad and being quite obstinate. Imagine?? Well, we were about to head out the door and she mumbles..."I want to change my shirt." So she did and the minute we got in the car, she yanked out the ponytail. Happy and Free! What a stink.