Friday, October 2, 2009

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

Then don't blog! I have wanted to recount many a crazy mixed up story, but just didn't have the energy. CouponSense has been very rewarding at times, but completely exhausting, frustrating and embarrassing at others. I will save the embarrassment part by just saying - I got a lot of Pringles I wasn't supposed to have and extra sausage for a few pizzas. What I will say on a positive note is that I have found that Customer Service in the grocery stores I have visited has been outstanding. Believe me, if I had been on the other end, I would have thrown my butt out the door. I guess I haven't yet grasped the "organized" part of this whole thing and I have felt much more disorganized trying to juggle it all. I have lost then found important things in my mess of confusion. Almost every transaction has ended me at the customer service counter getting some kind of refund. I'm pretty sure I'm saving money, but going to the grocery store used to be so much simpler!

Besides that, Brooklyn had her tenth birthday which I will post separately, we are preparing for a long road trip back home and Glade is out of town running the St. George Marathon and conference is this weekend. I haven't had a date in WEEKS, ok...two, but there aren't any on the horizon either and two kids have fevers. In dealing with it all, I ate a lot of pizza. Now I feel like crap. Did I mention my allergies have been out of control??? Oh yah...this is why I haven't blogged. Stephen gave me the crispiest part of the pizza because he knew I liked it and said I could have it since I had had a rough day. I told him it was all good and that some days require a little more hurdle jumping than others which tends to wipe you out, but in the long're better at it. I'm trying to keep in mind that all things are for our good, but right now I think what would be for my good is a long, undisturbed night's sleep. Are you listening Katy???

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I hope you got your good sleep! I know it's hard sometimes to remember that all things are for our good, but just keep jumping those hurdles instead of running into them and you'll be fine! =) Enjoy conference. It always seems to give that boost that helps me get through the next 6 months.